Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛.

Location:- Sungai Sendok, Sungai Mati, Ledang, Johor / 双溪申洛, 利丰港, 禮讓, 柔佛.

Pinyin: Xing Ming Tang

aka Pertubuhan Penganut Dewa Ong Kong Heng Beng Tong.

This temple, located at the side of the main road, has always captivated my attention whenever i travel to muar via this route. It was in 2005 in one of my southern road trip that i came upon this place. Back then, if memory serve me right, it was doing a major celebration for one of its deity. This temple has maintain very much the same from my last visit with only minor renovation done to it.

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 2

A framed permit by the temple wall states that this temple is registered in 1995 while a signage above the main entrance with the word Wang Gong Gong / 王公宮 is dated 1994. But judging from the architecture design and smoke stain, it could have been here way before. Its interior is fill with framed photo of its festival along with many colourful painting of chinese deities.

Its has an old wooden opera stage by the side of the temple for festival and celebration purposes with an incense furnace build not far from it.

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 3

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 4Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 5

This temple consist of two major altar. Its main altar is devoted to the worshipped of its main patron deity, Liu Jia Jen Ren Shun Zheng Wang Gong / 六甲真人順正王公 . Other devoted deities worshipped in this temple includes Tai Bao She Ren / 太保舍人 and Zong Guan Da Jiang / 總管大將. Other commonly seen deities enshrined on this altar includes Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Fa Zhu Gong / 法主公 and Xuan Tian Shang Ti / 玄天上帝.

The secondary altar is located at the inner hall. It is build devoted to the worshipped of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang / 注生娘娘, Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Jin Tong Yu Nu / 金童玉女 and Lord Buddha / Fo Zu / 佛祖.

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 6

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 7Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 8

Heng Beng Tong-Sg Sendok / 興明堂-双溪申洛 9

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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