The Orang Asli Exhibition on Believes and Traditions

The Orang Asli Exhibition on Believes and Traditions

The Indigenous Peoples Exhibition on Believes and Traditions / Pameran Orang Asli: Kepercayaan & Tradisi.

Location:- National Museum Malaysia / Museum Negara Malaysia.

I drove pass the national museum a few weeks ago and saw a billboard of this unique exhibition. I’ve been reminding myself to […]

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園.

Location:-Kuala Lumpur Kwong Tong Cemetery / 吉隆坡广东义山.

I came to know about this grave on my evening visits. And decided to do a bit of research on who this huge grave belong too. And upon doing some searches, I discover that this person is a trusted allied and a close […]

Kapitan Chung Keng Quee Memorial / 甲必丹鄭景貴墓園

Chung Keng Quee Memorial / 鄭景貴墓園.

Location:- Mount Erskine, Penang / 白雲山, 檳州.

If you are a Chinese living in Penang, you ought to know who this person is.

Kapitan Chung Keng Quee / Chung Keng Kwi / Zheng Jing Gui / 甲必丹鄭景貴 is a great philanthropist and businessman who is very well respected by […]

Foo Choo Choon Memorial / 胡子春墓園

Foo Choo Choon Memorial / 胡子春墓園.

Location, Mount Erskine, Penang / 白雲山, 檳州.

Mr Foo Choo Choon / Hu Zi Chun / 胡子春 born 30th July 1860 is a known Philanthropist, a Tin miner,a Businessman in Penang and Perak. More information about him can be found on Wiki.

Mr Foo Choo Choon passes away on […]