The Orang Asli Exhibition on Believes and Traditions

The Orang Asli Exhibition on Believes and Traditions

The Indigenous Peoples Exhibition on Believes and Traditions / Pameran Orang Asli: Kepercayaan & Tradisi.

Location:- National Museum Malaysia / Museum Negara Malaysia.

I drove pass the national museum a few weeks ago and saw a billboard of this unique exhibition. I’ve been reminding myself to […]

Iphone Coordinate fix.

Issue with iphone coordinate search on google map.

I was trying to locate a certain off-road location with the iPhone map app using coordinates given to me. To my surprise , the google map app shows a different location all together. After keying in the longitude and latitude of an off-road location, the map […]

Flood at the temple.

Flood, flood, flood. Its just been raining for 45 minutes and its starting to flood the front of the temple. This is what happens when the land owner next door close all their water outlet to the river near by (maybe to show a piece of flat empty land for future buyers). All water from […]

aPhoto GPS Marker App

Great app to snap pics with GPS infomation imprinted.

You can have name, address, altitude, current speed, heading, much more… imprinted into the photo.

My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
