Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積

Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積

Location :- Mancis, Pahang / 文積, 彭亨州.

While having coffee in a small town Mancis, i was told by some of its regular patrons of the coffee shop that a temple is located not far from town. Since it was along the route, we decided to located this temple. Upon arrival, we were greeted by locals who were doing their evening exercise in the huge multi-purpose hall build by the temple. It also has a set of beautiful murals of the Men Shen / 門神 deities on the doors of the main prayer hall and beautiful drawings of the Si Da Tian Wang / 四大天王 can be found on a few pillar at the front of this temple. It also has an opera stage build next to the main prayer hall for festivals and celebration purposes.

This temple has a five section altar in the main prayer hall. The centre altar is devoted to the worshipped of its main patron deity, Hua Guang Da Di / 华光大帝. Other deities worshipped in other section of this main altar includes Goddess Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Fa Zhu Gong /法主公, Tian Hou Niang Niang / 天后娘娘, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, Yu Huang Da Di / 玉皇大帝 and the third prince, Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑.

Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積

Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積 2

Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積 3

Below:- Beautiful painting on the pillar at the front of the temple.

Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積 4Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積 5

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積 – My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積

Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積.

Location :- Mancis, Pahang / 文積, 彭亨州.

The 1st time i visited this place was about 5-6years ago. The gates were open and much people here. Most were seen offering incense and joss papers. Back then, this place has a running stream from the hills. And the water is piped to a huge ponds behind the temple. The surrounding is huge and it has a Bat formation hill behind the temple.

There used to be tilapia in the ponds behind, and the ponds below the temple. The surrounding is fill with vegetables and fruits trees. I believe the environment in this temple is quite self sustainable.

Later after a few years, I visited the town nearby call Mancis / 文積 for a cup of evening coffee and I came to know from locals that it was a festival day when I first visited . I was told that this place only opens 2 to 3 times a year. I was eager to go there but the vehicle I was traveling in does not permit me to do so.

This year unfortunately, it was closed when i visited there with a friend. The surrounding ponds which house much tilapia’s where now empty. Ripe fruits were in abundance and much were seen decaying on the ground.

This temple is located about 5km off-road from Mancis. The entrance road is between Kampung Ponson and Kampung Shafie, along the route to Mancis town, Pahang. There should be a turn off around N3.2102, E102.1734. Follow the path slowly and you’ll come to a huge empty land. Drive along it, you should be able to locate this temple. And you gonna need an high all terrain vehicle.

Worshipped on the main altar of this temple is their patron deity, Bei Di also known as Xuan Wu / 玄武, Xuan Tian Shang Ti /玄天上帝, Zhen Wu Da Di / 真武大帝 or Pak Tai in Cantonese.

I hope to return to this temple after a few years and find everything is as beautiful as i’ve first visited it.

Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積

Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積 2

Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積 3

BELOW:- A photo taken through the side windows since the place was closed.

Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積 4

Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積 5

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Bei Di Gong-Mancis / 北帝宮-文積 – My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Long He Kong-Klang / 龍和宮-巴生

Long He Kong-Klang / 龍和宮-巴生.

PinYin :- Long He Gong
Location:- Klang, Selangor / 巴生, 雪兰莪州.


This chinese temple was doing it annual celebration when we arrive. It altar is dedicated to the worshipped of its main patron deity Na To Gong / 嗱督公. There are other deities worshipped on this altar but since it was a day of celebration, i wouldn’t question the master/caretaker too much. Through the committee members, i discovered that this temple was establish in 1975. When opportunity permits, i would definitely return in future to capture more photos.

Long He Kong-Klang / 龍和宮-巴生

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Long He Kong-Klang / 龍和宮-巴生 – My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Pots of bones

Was driving around and we end up coming to a cemetery. We were greeted by pots of bones that are left un-attended.

I think the bones are left there after they were exhumed from the coffin by their descendant or by the association.

Maybe, It was neatly kept before but the element has got the best of it.

Most skull has been missing. Probably taken by those who practice black magic. Those that is left around are either crack or damage.

So don’t leave your ancestor like this. It’s bad karma.

My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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