Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園.

Location:-Kuala Lumpur Kwong Tong Cemetery / 吉隆坡广东义山.

I came to know about this grave on my evening visits. And decided to do a bit of research on who this huge grave belong too. And upon doing some searches, I discover that this person is a trusted allied and a close […]

Kapitan Chung Keng Quee Memorial / 甲必丹鄭景貴墓園

Chung Keng Quee Memorial / 鄭景貴墓園.

Location:- Mount Erskine, Penang / 白雲山, 檳州.

If you are a Chinese living in Penang, you ought to know who this person is.

Kapitan Chung Keng Quee / Chung Keng Kwi / Zheng Jing Gui / 甲必丹鄭景貴 is a great philanthropist and businessman who is very well respected by […]

Foo Choo Choon Memorial / 胡子春墓園

Foo Choo Choon Memorial / 胡子春墓園.

Location, Mount Erskine, Penang / 白雲山, 檳州.

Mr Foo Choo Choon / Hu Zi Chun / 胡子春 born 30th July 1860 is a known Philanthropist, a Tin miner,a Businessman in Penang and Perak. More information about him can be found on Wiki.

Mr Foo Choo Choon passes away on […]

Yap Kwan Seng Memorial / 葉觀盛墓園

Yap Kwan Seng Memorial / 葉觀盛墓園

His name in Traditional Chinese – 葉觀盛 and in Simplified Chinese – 叶观盛.

Born 1846, Yap Kwan Seng is the last Chinese Kapitan of Kuala Lumpur. After his passing, the position of kapitan was abolished.

He moved from china to malaya at the age of 18 and work as […]