Foo Choo Choon Memorial / 胡子春墓園.
Location, Mount Erskine, Penang / 白雲山, 檳州.
Mr Foo Choo Choon / Hu Zi Chun / 胡子春 born 30th July 1860 is a known Philanthropist, a Tin miner,a Businessman in Penang and Perak. More information about him can be found on Wiki.
Mr Foo Choo Choon passes away on 27th March 1921 and is buried here in Mount Eskine.
This huge tomb caught my attention while I was around there looking for another famous grave. The thing that really caught my attention afar was this Two highly raise pillars with stone lions on top that would usually signify that this person was of much important and status. It is said that the Emperor of China has bestowed Mr Foo Choo Choon with a few honorary titles for his generosity during a famine in ShanTung, China.
This grave has Four tomb all together and only Three has inscription on it. A few statue of mythological Heavenly deities is build on it’s side. There is also two set of a butler by a horse on both left and right of the front side portion of this big old graves.
This grave is a nice sight but if you choose to visit this place, please leave nothing other that your footprint.

Below:- One of two tall pillar with a stone lion on it’s top.
My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
Looks like a tomb of an ancient china the Tang Dynasty.
Hi Eugene, Would you like to elaborate more?
Sure. Elaborate what?
Elaborate on your statement earlier:- “Looks like a tomb of an ancient china the Tang Dynasty. ” Probably.. you could explain more on what feature does an tang dynasty tomb would have? Thanks
Tang Dynasty Tomb like Qiangling in China.
Qiangling Mausoleum is where all treasures and dead bodies lied in a great mausoleum in the inside where nobody can steal nor taken photos of the treasure in this tomb of qiangling.
I really don’t understand on how you came to the conclusion that this tomb look like the Qiangling Mausoleum.
Thank you for the pictures of my great-grandfather’s (Foo Choo Choon) memorial/gravesite. I have not been there or knew where to find it. My father, Peter Y. Foo died last year in June of 2010, and sadly, he had not talked much about our legacy. Hopefully, I can find more info via my uncle Bobby Y. Foo. We are going to visit him next year 2012. Cheers, Nick.
Dear Nicholas Foo,
I am interested in Foo Choo Choon’s genealogy. Do you have the family tree? The reason is that I am investigating Cheah Cheang Lim’s genealogy and Foo Choo Choon is related to him. Khoo Salma
Hi Khoo,
I have send an email to Nicholas on your request.
My husband is a grandson of Foo Choo Choon. We are trying to contact Nicholas Foo who lives in USA. My husband’s father and Nicholas’s father are cousins. Can you send this message to him regarding our attempt to contact him. We live in Singapore.
I am unsure if we can help Khoo Salma very much as my father-in-law, the youngest son of Foo Choo Choon does not talk about him at all. however she can contact me if she wants.
Le Lian
Hi Le Lian, I have already send an email to Nicholas on your request.
Could you provide me the name of your father in law? Probably some information about him would be good. Thanks
Dear Le Lian,
please email me and then we can continue the conversation. Thanks
Hi Khoo Salmah
Sorry I had too many in mail so missed this message..It’s been more then 2 years and anyway you have no email address that I can write to. I understand that a book on Cheah Chiang Lim will be published soon and my hubby’s grandpa is also mentioned.
Are you involved in this book?
Dear Foo Le Lian, Please write to me at arecabooks(at)
Yes, we are producing a book, which will be launched in January. I would like to invite you.
Hi Myadmin
Kind of late to father in law is Foo Meow Fong, the only son of the second wife of Foo Choo Choon. Do you know about the impending launch of the book on Cheah Chiang Lim?
I’ve no knowledge about the book.Probably other users here would have some info.
I have heard that the portraits of Foo Choo Choon and his wives at his estate house at Paya Terubong in Penang are sale.Is that true?.
Johny Chee Boon Heng
Hello Johny Chew
This is the first time I heard about this sale of my husband’s grandpa’s portraits. The people staying in the place are not relatives but the relatives of a worker in Foo Choo Choon’s estate.
Do u have any idea if indeed the portraits were sold. We are in Singapore and I will ask my Penang relatives to follow up on this. Thank u for any tips.
Regards Foo Le lian
As a follow up, I found that the portraits are with a relative for safe keeping
Foo Le Lian
Hi, The book on Cheah Cheang Lim has since been published. It was launched in Penang, Taiping and Singapore at the Singapore Peranakan Museum.
CCL Was a cousin of Foo Choo Choon.
My email is if anyone would like to get in touch with me.
Khoo Salma
Hello there. It has been a long time since I have visited this site. I guess life happens.
Again, my name Is Nicholas Y. Foo (Great grandson of Foo Choo Choon). I live in Bellevue, Washington, USA.
Anyone wanting to contact me can email me at
Nick Foo
Hi Nicholas
Can you tell me the descendants of late FCC up to the 3rd generation? I am trying to establish a relationship with my late aunt and with the late FCC. My late aunt converted to a Muslim, married my uncle, and lived in Chemor, Perak for the rest of her life where she died several years ago. She claims that FCC is her grandfather
Her name prior to marrying my uncle is Agnes Marie Foo Oye Mee
I have access to the福建永定鎮胡氏族譜, updated in 2011, and the Zupu (族譜) contained the ancestry of Foo Choo Choon (胡子春).
I found the name Foo Choo Choon (胡子春) on the chart shown on page 509 of the Zupu (族譜) while his detail is given on page 519. I can name trace the ancestry of Foo Choo Choon (胡子春), generation by generation, all the way to Huang Di (2,697 BC).
Foo Choo Choon (胡子春) is at Generation 23. 子春 is his Hao (号) name. His Hui (讳) name is 国廉, while his Zi (字) name is 能忠. His name is quoted on the chart on page 509 of the Zupu (族譜) as 能忠.
From the zupu, Foo Choo Choon (胡子春) is said to have two wives (one of the surname 郑 while the other of surname 余) and 5 biological sons (茂森, 茂臻 (born 1898), 茂钦, 茂英, and 茂煌) while another son (茂昌, born 1890) was adopted from his brother 能尊. 茂昌 is the 3rd son of 能尊.
In Geni, Meow-Chin is quoted as the son Foo Choo Choon (胡子春). The Chinese character quoted in Geni for Meow-Chin is 茂菁 and he was born in 1897. Could 茂菁 and 茂森 be the same person with the second character wrongly written? 茂臻 was born on 6 August 1898 (Gregorian calendar).
In the zupu, only details for the descendants of Foo Choo Choon (胡子春)’s adopted son 茂昌 were recorded. None of the descendants of Foo Choo Choon (胡子春) five biological sons were recorded.