The Orang Asli Exhibition on Believes and Traditions
The Indigenous Peoples Exhibition on Believes and Traditions / Pameran Orang Asli: Kepercayaan & Tradisi.
Location:- National Museum Malaysia / Museum Negara Malaysia.
I drove pass the national museum a few weeks ago and saw a billboard of this unique exhibition. I’ve been reminding myself to pay a visit before the exhibition is over. Well, when we return, i’ve found out that the exhibition will end in 2 days time. Lucky Me 🙂
This exhibition gives a brief view onto the mystical believes and traditions of the Indigenous peoples of Malaysia or more commonly known as Orang Asli. There is much photos, text, audio visual presentation on traditional cures, spirits of the jungle, mediums, dreams and etc. Some of their craft work, potion and talismans are also on displayed. I hope the museum would create more events like this. It will definitely provide us with more indepth knowledge about the Orang Asli/Indigenous people in Malaysia.
The Museums website link:
Muzium Megara –
Jabatan Muzium Malaysia –
Below:- Magic Potions on display.
My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.