Coffin Exhibition

Coffin Exhibition

This exhibition is organised by Jabatan Muzium Malaysia and held at the Kuala Lumpur national museum, Muzium Nagara. For RM2, this is definitely worth while. This exhibition will begins on 1st April 2010 till 20th June 2010.

Many type of coffin’s and urn’s from our diverse culture are display here. There are also some coffins from neighbouring countries on displayed too. Explanation in photos, audio and videos are also shown to help understand the subjects.

I manage to speak to a few museum official and i found out that much of the coffins on displayed have been used before. Some are more than a hundred years of age while are few a just replica’s. Funny that they did not exhumed an whole old chinese coffin.

Cameras allowed.

The Museums website link:

Muzium Megara –

Jabatan Muzium Malaysia –

Coffin Exhibition

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Below:- My favourite piece in this exhibition, A coffin carrier. With steering, leaf spring and if not mistaken, motorcycle shock absorbers.

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Below:- A Philipines Coffin Chair. Use for drying up corpse’s.

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Below:-Dresses the deceased use by the chinese.

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Below:- Some of the beautifully crafted urn’s on displayed.

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My Time – – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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