Tai Ti Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 大地陰府壇-仁嘉隆.
Location:- Jenjarom, Selangor / 仁嘉隆, 雪兰莪州.
GPS Coordinate: 2.8808˚ North, 101.4874˚ East.
After some tea at a stall nearby, we decided to travel a little bit more. We came to a road entrance that bring us through a palm oil estate. And at end of the road, we arrive to a temple builded on an empty vast land with a river flowing 150m in front.
The temple main altar is dedicated to the worshipped of the City Gods Cheng Huang Ye / 城隍爺. Worshipped of other Major Yin deities like Da Er Bo Ye / 大二伯爷 and Niu Tou Ma Mian / 牛头馬面 are also included.
A side altar is dedicated to the worshipped of Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑. Other deities included here are Fa Zhu Gong /法主公, the Goddess Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖 and Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝. Further to the right of this altar, its tiger general or Bai Hu / 白虎 is worshipped.
On the outside, a shrine builded dedicated to it local territory earth deity, Na To Gong / 嗱督公 while another shrine behind is dedicated to a deity not familiar to me.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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Tai Ti Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 大地陰府壇-仁嘉隆 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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