Guan Yin Tang-Kg.Air Panas / 觀音堂-熱水湖新村.
Location:- Kampung Air Panas, Kerling, Hulu Selangor / 熱水湖新村, 吉粦, 烏魯雪蘭莪.
Registered as :- Persatuan Penganut Dewi Kuan Yin Tang, Kerling, Hulu Selangor, Selangor.
This small village is not far from Kuala Kubu Bharu and we decided to scout around till we came upon this temple facing the hills. I believe this place is establish or build in 1975 as indicated on the signage and on an old committee photo hanging by the wall.
There is a three section altar in the main hall. The altar on the left is devoted to Jin Hua Fu Ren / 金花夫人. The altar on the center is devoted to Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩 while the altar on the right is devoted to Lord Guan Di / 關帝.
Below:- Great photos of the past.
Location Map / 神廟地圖
Click here to open location in GOOGLE MAP / 點擊這裡打開谷歌地圖
My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
what’s that shrine during outside of the guan yin teng?
Hi Eugene, if not mistaken… It should be a Na To Gong shrine. There is no statue.