Jin Ying Tan-Rawang / 金英壇-萬撓.
Location:- Rawang, Selangor / 萬撓, 雪兰莪.
Pronounce as Kam Ying Tan in cantonese. I think the direct chinese character translation will be golden hero. This temple is located at the side of a hill over looking a small town. It took a while to locate this place which i have to travel through a chinese village to get there.
The are many deities on the main altar. I would not be able to tell you all their names. 🙂 The main central altar worships the god Jin Ying Zu Shi / Grandmaster Jin Ying (金英祖師)

Below:- Main Altar

Location Map / 神廟地圖
Click here to open location in GOOGLE MAP / 點擊這裡打開谷歌地圖
My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
Yes, the central figure is Jin Ying, flanked by his
left(the right from our view) is Mao Shan Fa Zu and the left from
our view is Teo Yuan Tong Shi(Goddess). Under the Jin Ying
altar/shrine they are a trinity of sworn group. The rest of the
other altars are what we normally see in other temples. Jin Ying
are not normal deity one would find in ordinary household altars
reason being that they are deities that belong to those practise in
talismanic courses such as exorcism, white magic even some black
ones too but on a lesser degree as it depends of the usage of
warding black using black. As I have been informed that Jin Ying is
particularly strict in discipline with its practitioners(disciples)
learn and indulge in negative uses from the talismanic practises
those that go astray. Jin Ying is also known for its potent
talismans to protect from bodily harm.
how to go Jin Ying Tan-Rawang? do u have map?
Hi, I do not have a map to JIN YIN TAN-Rawang but the latitude and longitude is on the first photo of the post.