Fu Xing Gong Snake temple-Penang / 福興宮蛇廟-檳城.
aka Ban Kah Lan / 萬腳蘭, Temple of the Azure Cloud / Qing Yuan Yan / 清雲岩, Qing Long Miao / 青龍廟
Location:- Bayan Lepas, Penang / 峇六拜, 檳城.
A very popular tourist destination, it’s has a beautiful Pai Lou / 牌樓 with steps heading up to the temples courtyard. Also known as the Temple of the Azure Cloud, this temple is famous for the mysterious appearance of snakes in this temple. In other words, the snakes has made this place a sanctuary. It has a snake farm by the side where visitors could learn and understand on how we could co-exists peacefully with these reptiles.
With keen eyes, you would be able to spot these reptiles on the move or resting on tree branches around this temple. Over the years, the snake population here has dwindled due to urbanization of its surroundings. With a main road in front and building around, snake would definitely have a problem wiggling their way here.

It’s facade is beautifully design with murals of dragon and tiger flanking the main door.This place has been through multiple refurbishing as it was once an attap house surrounded by greens. This is also one of the five temples maintain by the Penang Hokkien Kongsi. Antiques belonging to the Hokkien Kongsi is also placed on display by a side hall next to this temple.


It’s main prayer hall houses three altar, the altar to the left is dedicated to the worship of Yan Lou Wang / King Yama / 閻羅王 aka Yan Luo Tian Zi / 閻羅天子 whom is flanked by Niu Tou Ma Mian / 牛头馬面, the center altar is dedicated to its main patron deity Qing Shui Zu Shi / 清水祖師, also known as Chor Soo Kong / Zu Shi Gong / 祖師公. Two bamboo stand is placed in front of this altar where pit vipers would be resting upon. Uniquely, they seem very unbothered by visitors and would just curl on it.
An altar to left is dedicated to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang / 注生娘娘, a famous deity whom is known to grant fertility to its believers. While cabinets fill with multiple deities are displayed by the side. A 600 pound bronze bell made back in 1886 is also hang in this main prayer hall. Till today, this bell is still rung on the 1st and 15th of every lunar month. A side hall next to the main prayer hall is dedicated to the worship of Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神 aka Da Bo Gong / 大伯公.
Walking through it landscaped garden, a pavilion located behind this temple houses an altar dedicated to the worship of Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩.
Due to lack of information, the exact date of its existence is unknown but the artifact and antique in the temple suggested it should be around the mid 19 century.
Anyway a brief history of this temple goes something like this. During the early 19th century, a monk from china brought along this deity known as Chor Soo Kong to this island of Malaya. He build a temple dedicated to its worship at the same time healing sickness and granting favors to its devotees. As news spreads, a scottish pioneer nutmeg planter mr. David Brown from Gelugor Estate visited this temple to seek advise on his long ailing sickness. So when the deity help cured him, he donated a tract of land for a temple in gratitude of the deities help. Along with the help from public donation this temple was build.
According to legend, snakes mysteriously appear upon the completion of this temple and even more so during the annual celebration of Chor Soo kong.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Chiau Hooi Beo-Kuala Kangsar / 昭惠廟-江沙.
Pinyin:- Zhao Hui Miao
Location:- Kuala Kangsar, Perak / 江沙, 霹雳州.
Following the trunk road to this royal town of Perak , we decided to stop by for coffee as it was already a long journey. The owner of the coffee shop were able to chit chat a little with us. Talking about the livelihood of the Chinese community here, she mention that the oldest Chinese temple in this area is located not faraway. Upon hearing more, we decided to visit this temple.
On arrival, we were greeted by a huge Pai Lou / 牌樓 along with two long poles with colored flags raise to the top. This temple has a stage on its opposite for festival purposes and its Na To Gong / 嗱督公 shrine is located not faraway. A multi purpose hall is also build next to the temple for its community use. On todays visit, huge dragon joss sticks were arranged in line at its front suggesting to me that this temple should be doing it’s annual celebration soon.

Just as we entered the prayer hall, we were greeted by an elderly lady whom is the caretaker of this temple. Introduce to us as madam Toh / 杜女仕, she permitted us to document this location and at the same time filling us with information pertaining this temple. On a walkers due to stroke a while back, she would still insist to moved around without our assistance at the same time explaining precious informations. I couldn’t help thinking on what she’ve seen over many year in this temple.
A large offering table in front of the altar is arrange with huge size candles readying for its celebration. According to the caretaker, these candles will lit for a full month.


A brief history of this temple and the journey of it’s deities coming to Malaya begins in the 1887 where a young man by the name of Ng Seng from Nan’an / 南安 , China visited a local temple to pled to Zhu Gong Yuan Shuai / 朱公元帥 for a safe journey to Malaya. He brought along 3 small deities in a weaved bamboo basket and travel the rough journey from China to Malaya. This bamboo basket is still placed in display at the office of this temple. Arriving safely at sungai petani, Kedah to seek for employment, he was thankful that what he had pled for was answered. So in 1892, he moved to Kuala Kangsar to work in a rubber plantation bringing along the deities he journeyed with from china. On an extra note, kuala kangsar is where the first rubber tree was planted in Malaya.
Much of the people working in the estate are from the same province. Lacking of a place of worship, they would visit Ng’s house to pray to the deity. In 1923, frequent visitors suggested to raise funds and build a place of worship dedicated to the patron deity Zhu Gong Yuan Shuai. At the same time, one of the early founder visited the original temple in Nan’an, China to invite another deity known as San Wei She Ren Gong / 三位舍人公 to be worship in this temple here.
This land where the temple sits on was actually a coconut plantation that was donated by a Mr P.C. Dury. In return the deity in this temple helped cured him from certain sickness. After been cured, he also donated a incense furnace to the temple in repayment of the miracle help he received. This old furnace still stand till today. In 1975, it’s committee’s begin erecting a beautiful Pau Lou and the temple was refurbish. And in 1978, it had a grand re-opening where many of its surrounding community attended.

Below:- Its wealth god Yi Jian Fa Chai / 一見發財 and the weaved bamboo basket that carried the deities in 1887.
This temple has a five section altar in it’s main prayer hall. Beginning from the far left, an altar is devoted to the worship of Zhu Sheng Niang Niang / 注生娘娘 along with Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Tian Hou Niang Niang / 天后娘娘, etc. Followed by an altar devoted to its 5 General / Wu Ye Yuan Shuai / 五爺元帥.
The center altar is devoted to their main patron deity Zhu Gong Yuan Shuai / 朱公元帥 along with Wen Wu Xiang Gong / 文武相公, San Wei She Ren Gong / 三位舍人公, Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑, etc. While its White Tiger / Bai Hu / 白虎 is worshipped right below this center altar.
Followed by an altar devoted to its Lord Tai Sui / 太歲 and lastly, the altar to the far right is devoted to Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神. Other deities worshipped on this altar includeds Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, etc. On the side, an altar is build for the worship of their wealth god Yi Jian Fa Chai / 一見發財 also commonly known as Da Bo Ye / Tua Ya Pek / 大伯爺. Standing a straight on the altar, this deity is known to bring wealth luck to its worshippers.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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Chiau Hooi Beo-Kuala Kangsar / 昭惠廟-江沙 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Peak Nam Tong-Kota Kinabalu / 碧南堂-亚庇.
Pinyin:- Bi Nan Tang.
Aka. K.K. Peak Nam Tong Buddhist Mission
Location:- Kota Kinabalu, Sabah / 亚庇, 沙巴.
My first visit to this temple was in 2009 and If memory serve me right, it was going through some renovation works then. It was drizzling a little when we arrived on this sunny evening and i was really lucky that it didn’t pour wildly. The drizzle help clear the sky for some nice evening shots and i guess it helped wash the exterior as well. The caretaker were at his desk when we arrived. Much thanks to him, i was able to find out some detail about this place. He explain that this temple was first establish in 1970 and was refurbish in 1982. He also introduce us to each and every deity in this temple with much detail and mention that it main patron deity was invited over here to this temple from An Xi, Fujian Province, China.

Located in a housing estate, this temple has a 9 tiers pagoda builded next to it and when lighted at night, it emit a beautiful glow visible miles away. It also has a octagonal shaped Tian Gong / 天宮 shrine builded on its compound for the worshipped of the Jade emperor / Yu Huang Da Di / 玉皇大帝.
In the main prayer hall, its surrounding walls are fill with colorful drawings about their main patron deity along with large murals of The Four Heavenly Kings /Si Da Tian Wang / 四大天王. Parade banner with names of its patron deities at also been displayed too.

It’s main prayer hall consist of three beautifully crafted altar. The center altar is devoted to the worshipped of it’s main patron deity Guang Ze Zun Wang / 廣澤尊王. This red faced deity with protruding eyes are usually seen seated with his right foot pointing to his left knees and he is said to have existed during the five dynasties and ten kingdom period in Nan’an , Quanzhou, Fujian Province / 南安, 泉州, 福建省.
The deity to his right is known as Sheng Ma Xian Fei / 聖媽仙妃 aka Miao Yin Xian Fei / 妙應仙妃 and is the missus of Lord Guang. Legend has it that she bore him 13 sons whom is known as Shi San Tai Bao / 十三太保. Other deities worshipped on this altar includes Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑 and interestingly, the Er Shi Ba Xiu / 二十八宿. These are the deities of the 4 cardinal points and its constellation groups (7 in each cardinal point) also known as twenty eight mansion.

An altar to the right in the main prayer hall is devoted to the worship of its other patron deities. Among the deities worshipped on this altar includes Qing Shui Zu Shi / 清水祖師, Zhang Gong Sheng Jun 張公聖君, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Er Lang Shen Jun / 二郎神君, Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神 also known as Da Bo Gong / 大伯公.
And altar to the left is devoted to the worship of Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩. Other deities worshiped on this altar includes Tian Hou Niang Niang / Goddess Tian Hou / 天后娘娘, Qi Xian Niang Niang / 七仙娘娘, etc..

An adjoining hall behind houses a large altar fill with ancestral tablets. It’s walls are painted with drawing of the 24 filial piety along with a rarely seen image of the deity Kui Xing / 魁星 aka Da Kui Xing Jun / 大魁星君. This deity is known to be the god of examination and will bestow its worshipers with academic success.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Guan Di Tan-Jerteh / 關帝壇-日底.
Location:- Jerteh, Besut, Terengganu / 日底, 勿述, 登嘉樓州.
Visiting a friend who reside in setiu, Terengganu brought about a conversation piece relating to a temple that was mention to him by the locals nearby.
And since we were already around the area, we decided to find this temple which we only know its location through hearsay. Fortunately enough, we were able to locate this temple without making too much wrong turns since it is located further inland from the costal area. It was quite a hot day when we arrived and I guess everybody was out for lunch. Therefore, I’ve no information about its formation or history.

Situated near some plantation, this place should be very cooling from dusk till dawn. There is high probability that this structure is newly build as it looks like it is under going some finishing touches.

Judging from the condition of the statues, i believe that the deities has been worship for a while and certain of its design has already been obsolete. This also suggest to me that the devotee or committees of this temple has been practicing their worship needs elsewhere or maybe, this premise is a new structure over its old premise.
This temple is devoted to the worship of its main patron deity Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝. Commonly known as the red face Chinese god of war, it is a deity whom is known to protects one from any ghostly disturbance and bad lucks. There is three altar in its main prayer hall. Beside it main patron deity, there are other deities worshipped on its main altars. This includes Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑, Hua Guang Da Di / 華光大帝, Fa Zhu Gong /法主公, Zhu Sheng Niang Niang / 注生娘娘, Tie Guai Li / Iron-Crutch Li / 鐵拐李, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, etc…
Another altar below it is devoted to the worship of it local earth deities along with Da Er Bo Ye / Tua Dee Ya Pek / 大二伯爺.
An altar to the left in this prayer hall is devoted to the worship of Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神 also commonly known as Da Bo Gong / 大伯公 while the altar on the right is devoted to Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩.

A shrine is build on its front side for the worship of the local area deity, Na To Gong / 嗱督公. On the other side, a pagoda looking incense furnace is also build.
Beautiful carved murals are attach to its background on all it altars. Painted in gold, each has its unique carved. A mural of a dragon is attach on the main altar while a Lotus mural is attach to the altar devoted to Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩.

On this visit, the fierce looking dragons curling on its main pillars were undergoing some paint works. It’s striking colors makes it very grand by the temple entrances.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
Click here to open location in GOOGLE MAP / 點擊這裡打開谷歌地圖
Guan Di Tan-Jerteh / 關帝壇-日底 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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