2012 Ampang Nine Emperor Festival / 安邦南天宫九皇大帝誕
Location: Nan Tian Gong, Ampang New Village, Selangor / 南天宫, 安邦, 雪蘭莪.
GPS Coordinate: 3.141057, 101.764539
Photos of Street Parade, Fire walking and bridge crossing ceremony taken on 14th,16th,22nd,23rd October of the Nine Emperor God / Jiu Huang Da Di / 九皇大帝 festival held by Nan Tian Gong / 南天宫 temple in Ampang, Selangor.
2012 九月初一,初二,初八,初九 安邦南天宫九皇大帝誕.
Photos courtesy of Ms SY Lim and Steven Ong. Total of 63 image.
My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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2012-Ipoh Nine Emperor Festival / 怡保斗母宮九皇大帝誕.
Location: Tow Boo Keong, Ipoh, Perak / 斗母宮, 怡保, 霹雳.
GPS Coordinate: 4.584981, 101.084164
These photos were taken on 20th October 2012 of the Nine Emperor God / Jiu Huang Da Di / 九皇大帝 festival held by Dou Mu Gong / 斗母宮 temple each year in Ipoh, Perak. The whole festival would usually last for 10 days.
2012 九月初六霹雳怡保斗母宮九皇大帝.
Photos contibuted by Mr Foo.
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Wen Wu Sheng Di Miao-Bukit Tinggi / 文武聖帝廟-武吉丁宜
Location: Kampung Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang / 武吉丁宜, 文冬, 彭亨.
I’ve always enjoy going for road trips whenever my schedule permits. Today, we decided to travel along the federal route 68, an old road linking Gombak and Bentong, Pahang. Its definitely a good ride thought the hilly greens. Enjoying the fresh air and magnificent views till we arrive this small village with many restaurants known as Kampung Bukit Tinggi. Upon entering the village, we saw a Pai Lou / 牌樓 leading to this temple. I have seen this temple for many time by the side of the karak highway but had never stop over till this very day. This temple would be hard to miss as it has a miniature replica of the Great Wall of China for its surrounding fence. The first thing that really amaze me when we arrive was the size of its property along with the beautiful view of it hilly surrounding. There is just so much space for future expansion and yet they maintain the temple structure as a simple place of worship with a community hall and an opera stage for its festival/community purposes. Luckily for us, a few committee member along with the medium of the temple was around when we visited. They were kind enough to explain bits of the place and also about the patron deity of this temple.
Based on what was told to me, this temple was establish in 1965 by the chinese community living around this area. It has a administrative area where they have black and white pictures of festival done in 1970 and street parade photos taken in 1996 hanging by the wall. From what i can make out, it was a grand festival with devotees carrying banners, flags and its patron deity on a palanquin parading through the small town here. Bits of written history can also be found in this area.
In the main hall, the altar on the centre is devoted to the God of War, Guan Di / 關帝 and one riding a horse known as SanTai Wei Guan / 三太尉官. The altar to the left of it is dedicated to Deng Gong Sheng Ye / 鄧公聖爺. It was mention that this deity was invited over from 广西 / GuangSi, China. The altar on the right is dedicated to Guan Yin Fo Mu / 觀音佛母 and Xian Tai Fu Ren / 冼太夫人 (a famous historic heroine figure during the Sui dynasty). A smaller altar on the side is devoted to the Eight immortal / Ba Xian / 八仙.
Two altars in front of the temple houses its huge statues of Si Da Tian Wang / The four heavenly kings / 四大天王 follow by long steps leading down the temple. According to its members, the concept of the long steps is said to be from a temple in china where they’ve invited one of their patron deity. It is said that the number of steps is symbolically auspicious.



Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Mao Shan Fa Tan-Ulu Yam / 茅山法壇-烏汝音.
Location: Ulu Yam Baharu, Selangor / 烏汝音, 雪蘭莪.
Continuing our Ulu Yam road trip, it was about dinner time. I saw this temple along my route and decided to do one more for the day, Upon arrival, devotees were busy praying and doing offering while i waited for a while before the master of the temple has some free time for me. The master of this temple was friendly and was kind enough to explain bits about the history on how it all began, the temple, the mysterious sect and on how he inherited his knowledge. This temple was establish in 1978 and is named as Mao Shan Fa Tan of the Mao Shan Liu Min teaching sect. It is the only Mao Shan Liu Min Jiao / 茅山流民教 temple in this Ulu Yam area.
On the interior, a beautiful wooden medium’s chair with dragon’s crafter on it were place on top of its pakua mural floor. At the centre of the temple’s main hall, a big statue which is known as Mao Shan Fa Zhu / 茅山法主 is placed and it’s the temples main patron deity. On a altar at its back, there is a unique plaque with information about the sect been displayed along with deities of Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩 and Lord Guan Di / 關帝. Many yellow amulet’s are seen paste on the side of its altars and i was told that each of these amulet’s has its special purposes. Other smaller altar in this temple is dedicated to Da Bo Ye / Tua Ya Pek / 大伯爷 and there is one for the offering to Bai Hu /白虎. Monochrome photo’s of its street parade done in the past can be seen on the side wall by the information board.

Below:- Mao Shan Fa Zhu / 茅山法主.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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