Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園.

Location:-Kuala Lumpur Kwong Tong Cemetery / 吉隆坡广东义山.

I came to know about this grave on my evening visits. And decided to do a bit of research on who this huge grave belong too. And upon doing some searches, I discover that this person is a trusted allied and a close friend cum relative of the late Kapitan Yap ah Loy / 葉亞來. He is also made in charge of business affairs and as a secretary in Yap ah Loy’s administration. This grave/memorial is a stone throw away from Yap’s grave, that shows how good buddies they were back then.

Zhao Yu / 趙煜 also knowns as Chew Yoke, Chew Yeok, Chiew Yoke, from GuangDong Taishan Lonxi Village / 广东台山龙溪村.

Born in 1843, Zhao Yu is naturally talented and smart with a high ambitions. He received his childhood education from private tutors but his family was poor and couldn’t fulfill his ambitions. So at the age of 17, he along with his brothers came to Malaya. He first worked in Penang for a brief period and later moved to Taiping to work as a tin miner.

In the early 1860s, Tin mine were discovered in many places of Selangor. When Zhao Yu heard the news, he was very excited and driven by this news of great development, he moved to Selangor. In search of rich tin ore, he arrive at Sungai Puteh mines and later to richer mines in Klang. He seek many old friends from Taiping and Penang to co-operate and to become shareholders in his ventures.

In 1868 a Civil war broke out in Selangor and Klang suffered the worst damage. Much of Zhao Yu’s mines were also destroyed in that war. It was during this time he met Yap Ah Loy, which in turn became a transition point in his life journey. He assisted Yap in solving problems that arise during the civil war. Then on, he became a close ally and relative to Yap Ah Loy.

It was after the civil war that Zhao Yu’s career began to smooth sail. His business grew tremendously and he owned one of the largest mines within the state of the Selangor.

When the Selangor government decided to build a railway line from Klang town to Kuala Lumpur in 1883, there were an issue of shortage in laborers . Zhao Yu decided to transfer few hundred miners from his rich mines to help complete the rail line construction.

In 1887 Zhao Yu along with others form the Selangor Kwong Siew association. He donated generously a piece of land to use as the association premises and loaned out an amount of RM 9,000.00 + to the association for operating expenses.

Much of his deed is written on an engraved marble by the memorial. He even help in the building and funding of this Kwang Tung Cemetary too.

Zhao Yu passes away in 1892 at the age of 50.
I found a site that says he passes away on 11 月2 日. A conversion from the lunar date would be Dec 20th. Or maybe it’s 2nd November after all.

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園 2

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園 3

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園 4

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園 5Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園 6

Below:- Engraved here are list of Zhao Yu’s philanthropic deeds during his lifetime.

Zhao Yu Memorial / 趙煜墓園 7

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生.

Location:- Gua Musang, Kelantan / 话望生, 吉兰丹.

I was told of this Guan Di temple by some locals and decided to go looking for it. It’s was the beautiful Pai Lou / 牌樓 on the main road that made my search easier. Turning in from the main road, you’ll have to looks for a small road that is located right after the school. The temple should be on sight when you find this road.

I believe this chinese temple used to have much land space at it’s front many years ago. Now a school is builded on that big land. At current, i think they should still have enough space for festival purposes but of course, if there’s a bigger space…the more better. With the amount of space they used to have, i could imagine the grandness of this temple during their festivals back those days.

The temple was open and everybody seems to be very busy doing there own thing. So I decided not to stop the flow and went along with my photo taking.

On the main altar, the deity lord Guan Di / 關帝 along with Guan Ping Tai Zi / 關平太孑 and Zhou Cang / 周倉 / 周仓 is seen on the center altar with a big statue of Lord Guan / 關帝 sitting right behind them. Next to it should be Cai Shen Ye / 財神爺. A few replica of Lord Guans weapons are also place standing next to this altar.

The altar on the right is devoted to Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩. While the altar on the left is devoted to a few very unique Deities of General NOT known to me. I assume they could be deities of the three kingdom era. This altar is called Tai Wei Dian /太尉殿 and the word Tai Wei /太尉 is a title given to a supreme government official in charge of military affairs back in china those days.

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生1

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生2

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生3

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生4

Below:- The Tai Wei Dian /太尉殿.

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生5

Guan Di Miao-Gua Musang / 關帝廟-话望生6

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生

Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生.

Location:- Kampung Pulai, Gua Musang, Kelantan / 布赖, 话望生, 吉兰丹州.

Located on a lime hill cave, this place is fill with stalactites and stalagmites. Stairs were builded to reach this caves temple a few years ago. Those who wants to reach this temple before this would have to use a wooden ladder build many years ago.

When you reach the caves entrance, you will be look upon by a huge statue of Goddess Guan Yin standing in front of it’s altar. Craftsman were employed from China on 1998 to carve a huge stalagmites which has formed here thousands of years ago into this huge Guan Yin . It was completed by 2008. With its high ground, the surrounding view from here is exhilarating.

The care taker in the temple told us much about this place and I was told that many masters used to have meditated here.

There is several altars in this caves, you may have to crawl into certain passage way to reach the next altar. There is an altar for the huge Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, an altar called Shi Fu Tan / 師父壇 and an altar for it’s Na To Gong / 嗱督公. The Na To Gong is said to reside on a stalagmites next to it.

Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生

Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生2

Below:- It’s Na To Gong / 嗱督公 shrine and another altar by the side.

Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生3Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生4

Below:- This is the stalagmite that the local Na To Gong / 嗱督公 is said to resides.

Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生5

Below:- Looking afar on an beautiful evening.

Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生5

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Zi Xia Dong-Gua Musang / 紫霞洞-话望生 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生.

Location:- Kampung Pulai, Gua Musang, Kelantan / 布赖, 话望生, 吉兰丹.

I’ve heard much about this place which has very rich history about the early hakka chineses who’ve travel from China to Kelantan in search of gold. These early chinese gold miners are said to have traveled a long distant from the river mouth of the Kelantan River to their current location now along Sungai Galas. After settling down in Pulai, the community builded this Chinese temple to house the deities they brought along and also to house the deities that miners couldn’t carry back to china. The name Shui Yue Gong is translated to English as Water Moon Palace/temple.

On Road, this place is roughly about 10-12km away from Gua Musang. There were many signage from the main road to this place. The old fast flowing river of Sungai Galas in front of this temple is no more, now it’s just a huge pond. Developments over the years up river has altered much of it’s original landscapes.

This temple has much old relics that was brought along by these early settlers. The oldest is an incense pot in this temple, that is said to have been made during the era of Xuande (1426-1435) of the Ming Dynasty and the portrait of the Goddess Guan Yin on the main altar which i was told to be about 500 years old.

There is three altar in the main hall. The center altar is devoted to Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩.

The altar the left is devoted to Goddess Mazu / 媽祖 (also known as Goddess Tian Hou / 天后娘娘 and the locals here calls her Ma Niang / 媽娘 ). There is three Ma Niang and they are known as Da Ma Niang/ 大媽娘, Er Ma Niang / 二媽娘 and San Ma Niang / 三媽娘 along with Xian Ren Shu Po Tai / 仙人叔婆太 whom is the patron deities of animals.

The altar on the Right is devoted to Lord Guan Di / 關帝 along with Tan Gong Ye / 譚公爺, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公 and Cai Shen Ye / 財神爺.

The other branch of Shui Yue Gong is located in Kampung Pulai Baru, Terengganu. View my post on that temple here

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生1

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生2

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生3

Below:- Tan Gong Ye / 譚公爺 sitting on the Left.

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生4

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生5

Shui Yue Gong-Gua Musang / 水月宮-话望生6

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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