Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港

Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港.

Located at Jalan Serom, Sungai Mati, Tangkak, Johor. – 利丰港, 东甲, 柔佛州.

Pinyin :- Zi Guang Ge also known as Che Kuan Khor Moral Uplifting Society / 德教会紫光阁

About six months back, I was told of a very huge Ji Gong Huo Fo / 济公活佛 statue been build in a temple located in a small town called Sungai Mati. So today we decided to go pay a visit. At its frontyard, there is a nice garden with a statue of JiGong standing on a dragon that spit/sprays water into a koi pond.

On the interior, here is a big altar with mural of the 8 immortals as its background. Deities worshipped on the main altar includes the God of War, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Ji Gong Huo Fo / 济公活佛 and on the right .. an Unknown sage probably.. Lao Tzu. Will updated on this once I find out.

Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港1

Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港2

Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港3

Below:- It’s Ji Gong Huo Fo standing grandly at the garden pond.

Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港4

Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港5

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Che Kuan Khor-Sungai Mati / 紫光阁-利丰港 – My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊

Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊.

Located near Serom 8, Ledang, Johor. 实廊八, 礼让, 柔佛.

This temple has a Pai Lou / Pai Fang / entrance arch / 牌樓 along the main road not far from Serom 8. So if you are traveling along the main road, you will be sure to see this. Anyway, it caught my eyes.

There is two deity on the center altar. They are Miao Dao Zhen Ren / 妙道眞人 and Zhao Yang Zhen Ren / 昭陽眞人.

They have a huge surrounding for worshiping and festival. I believe this place is refurbish not long ago as much of the interior and exterior still looks very new. Probably a few year to the max.

Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊1

Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊2

Below:- It’s main altar.

Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊3

Below:- It’s Pai Lou / 牌樓 from the main road.

Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊4

Xian Gong Gong-Serom / 仙公宮-实廊5

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射.

Location: Grisek, Muar, Johor / 玉射, 麻坡, 柔佛州.

Pinyin: Bei Di Miao
Registered as: Rumah Berhala Pak Tee Bio.

Travelling along this country side route, we came upon a small signage on the main road leading to this temple. My visit here was a pleasant one. It’s always the timing that is important.

There is two temple located nearby each other. The older temple, which has been refurbish, sit on a neatly kept garden. According to the donor recognition plaque found on the wall of this temple, this place could’ve been build around or before 1927 Ding Mao Year / 丁卯年.

There is two deity on the main altar of this premise, both should be their main patron deity Xuan Tian Shang Di / 玄天上帝 with the different, i believed, of one been a Scholar / Wen / 文 and the other a Military / Mu / 武 version.

Xuan Tian Shang Di / 玄天上帝 is also commonly known as Bei Di / 北帝, Xuan Wu / 玄武 / or Zhen Wu Da Di / 真武大帝.

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 2

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 3

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 4

The other temple, a stone throw away, which is much bigger is located on a higher ground over looking the small town. I could not help noticing the Authority flags /令旗 that is build in front of this temple. Uniquely, both the pole and the flags are made of stainless steel.

Its entrance is flank by two carving of the Door good / Men Shen / 門神 and much of its interior wall is painted with chinese deities and mythological characters.

It consist of two prayer hall. On the outer hall, An altar in enshrined with their main patron deity, Xuan Tian Shang Di / 玄天上帝. Other deities worshipped on this main altar includes Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, Tai Bao She Ren / 太保舍人, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Shun Zheng Wang Gong / 順正王公, Zhao Yuan Shuai / 趙元帥, Kang Yuan Shuai / 康元帥, Wen Yuan Shuai / 溫元帥, Li Fu Qian Sui Da Ren / 李府千歲大人, Xing Fu Da Ren / 刑府大人, Hang Tang Ye / 韓唐爺, etc. Judging from the design of the deities, i believe certain of them are well over a hundred year old.

On the inner prayer hall, An altar is devoted to the worshipped of Qian Shou Guan Yin / 千手觀音, Tian Hou Niang Niang / 天后娘娘 and Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩 along with Jin Tong Yu Nu / 金童玉女.

Below:- The bigger temple.

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 5

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 6

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 7Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 8

Below:- The Inner prayer hall.

Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 9

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Pak Tee Bio-Grisek / 北帝廟-玉射 – My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射.

Tokong Seng Koh Syh,
Jalan Bukit Katil, Gerisek ( Use to be known as Gersek), Muar, Johor.

I saw this temple while traveling to Panchor / 班卒 but since the excess road has been block by flood, I’ve got no choice but to make a u turn. So I’ve decided to stop by this temple for a visit. I was greeted by its committee members which were very friendly. Telling us much about this place at the same time.

Inside the temple,
Sitting on the main altar is Sheng Zu Jin Xian / 聖祖金仙. She is a members of the Seven fairies / Qi Xian Nu / 七仙奴 and a daughter of the Jade Emperor / Yu Huang Da Di / 玉皇大帝. While the deity in front of it is the black face General Zhang usually known as Fatt Chee Kung / 法主公.

On the left part of this temple, the is an altar for Di Mu Niang Niang / 地母娘娘 . And on the right part is an altar for Lord Buddha / 佛祖.

On the outside,
A Yin Tan / 陰壇 can be seen on the side, the unique part is that the altar is located seven feet below ground level. It has an old style stage for performance during celebration and it has a Nato / Dato Gong / 嗱督公 behind it. There is much space in it’s surrounding for celebration and future developments.

It was told that this temple is establish about 39 years ago (about 1972-73) and receive it’s registration in 1987.

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射1

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射2

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射3

Below:- It’s main Altar.

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射4

Below:- It’s Yin Tan / 陰壇.

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射5

Below:- The Nato / Dato Gong / 嗱督公 behind the old stage. Unique indeed.

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射6

Sheng Gu Si-Gerisek / 聖姑寺-玉射7

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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