Happy Chinese New Year 2011 / Gong Xi Fa Cai / 恭喜發財

Wishing you, Good Luck in your Undertaking, Prosperity every Year, May your wishes and dreams come true and to have good health and good luck for your family members this year. Happy Chinese New Year 2011. Gong Xi Fa Cai

祝你,身體健康,心想事成,万事如意, 年年有餘, 合家平安, 恭喜發財.

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Wu Lou / Hulu / 葫蘆

Wu Lou / Hulu / 葫蘆.

Also known as bottle gourd or calabash. It is a common vegetable eaten in china and also used as a traditional Chinese medicine. When dried out it could be use as a bottle or more commoly today as a feng shui cure. Also commonly use an offering in Chinese temples since it is a symbol of longevity and good health .There are certain deity you will see holding the wu lou, more commonly Ji Gong Huo Fo / 濟公活佛 and Tie Guai Li / Li Tie Guai / Iron-Crutch Li /鐵拐李.

Some Wu Lou / 葫蘆 are crafted out from wood, marble and copper. But what I really like are those dried out Wu lou’s that has small hand painted arts on them. The Wu Lou are commonly used traditionally to prevent sickness and haunting by hanging it on the head-frame/headboard of the bed. In feng shui, a wu luo is usually place where there is too much yin energy or when there is an inauspicious star since it is known to be able to absorb negative qi.

Below:- A fresh Wu Lou with a dried out one.

Wu Lou / Hulu / 葫蘆1

Below:- Wu lou decorated for the altar.

Wu Lou / Hulu / 葫蘆2

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Chinese New Year Taboo

Chinese New Year Taboo.

Chinese New Year, Also known as the Chinese spring festival, is a time for lion and dragon dance, family reunion and catching up with old friends. And to those teens out there…..hong pow. From a very young age I was told of things that we should and shouldn’t do during chinese new year. Lately, i started to gather more info on this topic.

Call it Taboo, Call it Inauspicious or mere Superstitions, it all meant well. Everything about Chinese New Year is about the word AUSPICIOUS. Listed are the do and don’t during the Chinese New Year known to me.

01) It is inauspicious to get an hair cut during Chinese new year. It is said to signify the cutting of longevity. So get your stylist appointment early. It is also inauspicious to cut your nails on Chinese new years day.

02) Any debts owed to anybody should be paid off before Chinese new year. Debts carried over new year is consider inauspicious. And the same, there would be no lending/borrowings during Chinese new year also.

03) On reunion night / eve is the time where everybody sits together to have dinner. During this time, it is important not to argue, curse or shout at others. Taking care not to break anything is also very important. Dishes on the table usually has an auspicious meaning or name to it. It is also custom to leave the head and tail of the fish to the owner of the house. This signify “yo tou yo me” (Got head Got tail – an auspicious meaning completion/full)

04) One should take care not to break any glassware during Chinese new year as this will signify arguments within the house.

05) A broken Chopstick during Chinese new year means breaking of relations.

06) After cleaning, all brooms are kept away from view on the eve of new year. One should not use the broom to sweep anything during the Chinese new year. I was told that fortunes are swept away if used. Certain family keeps their rubbish till a centain numbers of days before it is carried out throughout the BACK door of the house.

07) Firecracker are lit in the house compound to dispel bad luck and to usher the god of prosperity into the house. According to legend, a beast call Nian Sou would appear every new years eve to feast on humans. The people soon found out that the beast is afraid of the color red, bright light and loud noise. Hence stated the tradition of lighting of firecracker during the hour entering Chinese new year.

08) The main door (windows too in some houses) of the house will usually be wide open till the next morning. This is to usher good luck.

09) Staying up late – also know as shousui. Teens should stay awake IN THE HOUSE all night from the eve to morning(or the latest him/she can take). This signify that him/her is helping to increase the longevity of their parents. But some has said it is a time for chatting and bonding since some sibling only meets up once a year.

10) it is advise not to group around or sit by the main door during Chinese new year. This is said to avoid the flow of good luck into the house. Lying down with the leg facing the main door is also known as inauspicious in this day.

11) One should not be cursing on Chinese new years day. Arguing is a no no. Any wording that sounds inauspicious shall be avoided. Foul language should be avoided.

12) One should also avoid wearing black cloths during Chinese new year. Red would be the best color during Chinese new year. And of course some new clothes would be best.

13) One should not be sleeping in the noon during Chinese new year. It is said to make the person lazy all year long.

14) One shall not wake anybody up early in the morning of the first day of new year. But one should be awake early on the first day of new year. Been woken up signify that the person would be push/hurried all year long and been awake early mean respect to your elders.

15) Greeting somebody in the room during the morning of Chinese new year is inauspicious. Greeting should be made only in the greeting hall.

16) During the first day of Chinese new year it is prohibited to use any sharp object like needle or scissors. Some has said that using scissor signify cutting of relation and fortune in this year.

17) Spitting out the main door or window during the first day of Chinese new year is consider inauspicious.

18) Certain individual does consult feng shui masters or the almanac to select the best time and direction for visiting. This is enjoy the best of luck throughout the year.

19) Renovation shall not be done on the first day of Chinese new years. It is deem inauspicious as breaking the house signify breaking your shelter. Nails in cantonese is call Deng1. Deng1 is also another word that means death so nailing must be avoided on this day.

20) Some parents will avoid scolding or betting the children during this time. It is said that if they cry during the first day of Chinese new year, they will cry often throughout the year.

21) The first person you meet during Chinese new year is significantly important. The first word and facial expression you receive would effect your fortune throughout the year. But no worries, usually the first word / sentence you will get from / to greet other people is “Gong Xi Fatt Chai” following with auspicious sentences that wishes good prosperity and longevity.

22) It is also advisable to release bird, fish or any captivity animal free. This is said to bring good luck throughout the year. One shall not slaughter on the first day of Chinese New Year too.

23) It is also not advisable to do any visits to hospitals or cemetery during this period. Some has said that this will reduce the individuals luck for the year.

24) I was told that you should not celebrate your birthday extravagantly on the first day of Chinese new year as this will make you clash with the year. Clashing with the year is deem inauspicious to certain teaching and masters.

25) It is customary to gift/receive monies in red packet or more commonly known as Ang Pow / Hong Pow / 紅包. This is usually given from married couples or the elderly to the unmarried. Avoid giving monies in white packet/envelope as it is deem inauspicious. Traditionally, a white packet is commonly associated with Bai Jin /白金 / white gold, which are donations offered during funerals.)

More to be updated soon. 🙂

Chinese New Year Taboo1

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Auspicious Dates for Chinese New Year 2011

Auspicious Dates for Chinese New Year 2011.

Listed below are Astrology, Feng shui and Chinese new year auspicious dates information for 2011. These auspicious dates are formulated from the chinese almanac or commonly known as Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝. I have edited this list into a shorter version as the original list would be too long with too much information.

Click here for Auspicious Dates for Chinese New Year 2012

2011 Xin Metal Rabbit year. 二零一一年 辛卯年

Heavenly Stems is Xin Yin Metal 天干辛金年
Earthly Branch is Mao Yin Wood 地支卯木年

Li Chun 2011 begins at 12.32pm on 4th Feb 2011 1st season of the year
立春進節中午十二點三十二分 正月初二辛卯年

Ching Che begins at 06.43am on 6th March 2011 3rd season of the year
惊蟄進節早晨六點四十三分 二月初二辛卯年

Qing Ming begins at 11.46am on 5th April 2011 5th season of the year
清明進節中午十一點四十六分 三月初三辛卯年

*Tong che begins at 13.28pm on 22nd Dec 2011 22nd season of the year.
冬至進節中午一點二十八分 十一月二十八辛卯年

Li Chun 2012 begins at 18.40pm on 4th Feb 2012 1st season of 2012

:- Tai Sui 2011 / 二零一一辛卯年太歲.

Tai Sui dominating this year is General Fan Ning. “Fan” is the surname of Tai Sui 2011.

Rabbit offend Tai Sui. 兔犯太歲
Rooster clashes Tai Sui. 雞冲太歲
Horse minor clash Tai Sui. 馬破太歲
Rat reflect Tai Sui. 鼠刑太歲

* Tong Che / 冬至 is normally the time to thank/repay the current year Tai Sui.

:- Inauspicious direction of the Year Xin Mao 2011 二零一一辛卯年吉凶方向

Dominating star is 7 Red which is also Inauspicious star 七赤星為主

Tai Sui – East / 正東方 82.5° – 97.5° 太歲坐方
3 Killing – West / 正西方犯三煞
5 Wang – East / 正東方犯五黃
2 Black – South / 正南方犯二黑

:- Offending White Tiger 2011 / 二零一一辛卯年犯白虎.

Signs that are suppose to pray to White tiger / prayers for noble people. – Pig / Rat / Dragon / Lamb / Ox .
犯白虎 / 送小人 – 驚蟄日早辰六點三十分 生肖- 豬 – 龍 – 羊 – 鼠 – 牛

*Ching Che / 惊蟄 is the day when White Tiger prayers begin. The time of the beginning of Ching che is also know as “The time when the White Tiger Opens it’s mouth / 白虎开口”

Be aware that this page is for 2011. Click here for Auspicious Dates for Chinese New Year 2012

:- Auspicious Dates for house cleaning and clearing only / 掃舍吉日 .

* These are the dates to clear out all the unwanted stuff in your house readying for Chinese new year.

5th Jan 2011 Wed clash Tiger – 冲虎 – 十二月初二
11th Jan 2011 Tue clash Monkey – 冲猴 – 十二月初八
15tn Jan 2011 Sat clash Rat – 冲鼠 – 十二月十二
23rd Jan 2011 Sun clash Monkey – 冲猴 – 十二月二十
27th Jan 2011 Thu clash Rat – 冲鼠 – 十二月廿四
30th Jan 2011 Sun clash Rabbit – 冲兔 – 十二月廿七

:- Auspicious Dates for Cleaning Altar Table and Change of Gold Flower / 換金花, 換神紅 吉日

*These are the dates for hanging the red cloth over the main door during chinese new year. The same dates are also use to change/replace old things on the altar.

23rd Jan 2011 Sun clash Monkey – 冲猴 – 十二月二十
27th Jan 2011 Thu clash Rat – 冲鼠 – 十二月廿四
30th Jan 2011 Sun clash Rabbit – 冲兔 – 十二月廿七
31th Jan 2011 Mon clash Dragon – 冲龍 – 十二月廿八
1st Feb 2011 Tue clash Snake – 冲蛇 – 十二月廿九

:-Auspicious dates to start work / 開工吉日.

Be aware that this page is for 2011. Click here for Auspicious Dates for Chinese New Year 2012

* These are the auspicious dates to resume business / start work after the chinese new year holidays.

8th Feb 2011 Tue clash Rat – 冲鼠 – 正月初六甲午日
11th Feb 2011 Fri clash Rabbit – 冲兔 – 正月初九丁酉日
12th Feb 2011 Sat clash Dragon – 冲龍 – 正月初十戊戍日
14tn Feb 2011 Mon clash Horse – 冲馬 – 正月十二庚子日

:- Date for Blessings / 祈福吉日.

* These are the dates to ask for blessing from heaven. Usually done in a temple.

3rd Feb 2011 Thu clash Lamb – 冲羊 – 正月初一
5th Feb 2011 Sat clash Rooster – 冲雞 – 正月初三
6th Feb 2011 Sun clash Dog – 冲狗 – 正月初四
8th Feb 2011 Tue clash Rat – 冲鼠 – 正月初六
14tn Feb 2011 Mon clash Horse – 冲馬 – 正月十二
17tn Feb 2011 Thurs clash Rooster – 冲雞 – 正月十五

:- Direction of Auspicious and Inauspicious gods on NEW YEAR day 3rd FEB 2011正月初一吉凶方位

* These would be the facing direction for your altar to the God of Prosperity / Cai Shen / 財神.
* Please take note that Cai Shen / 財神 is at the same facing direction as inauspicious Wu Gui / 五鬼 and E Shen / 噩神. It is advisable to face North East (Xi Shen / 喜神), South (Ji Men / 吉門), South East (Sheng Men / 生門) and South West (Kai-Men / 開門).

:- Time to invite auspicious gods / 接神吉時.

1) Between 12.00am to 1245am – Clash Lamb and Horse 冲羊, 冲馬.

2) Between 0300am to 0445am – Clash Lamb and Monkey 冲羊, 冲猴.

3) Between 0500am to 0645am – Clash Lamb and Rooster 冲羊, 冲雞.

4) Between 0700am to 0845am – Clash Lamb and Dog 冲羊, 冲狗.

:- Gods Direction / 吉凶方位.

Cai Shen / 財神 / Wealth god – North 正北方
Xi Shen / 喜神 / Joy God – North East 東北方
Gui Shen / 貴神/ Nobility god – North 正北方
Ji Men / 吉門/ Lucky Door – South 正南方
Sheng Men / 生門 / Living Door – South East 東南方
Kai-Men / 開門 / Open Door – South West 西南方

Wu Gui / 五鬼 / Five devils – North 正北方
Si Men / 死門 / Dead Door – North West 西北方
E Shen / 噩神 / Wicked Deity – North 正北方

* Certain almanac states that Gui Shen / 貴神/ Nobility god is from the direction South West / 西南方

Be aware that this page is for 2011. Click here for Auspicious Dates for Chinese New Year 2012

Wishing You a prosperous Chinese New Year.

*Dates above are courtesy of Ji Gong Xian Ling Tan, Kuala Lumpur.

Do click the LIKE button below if you find this post resourceful. This is to show some appreciation to the people who formulated these dates. 🙂
Thank You.

Below:- A chart that shows the directional influence in the Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝 2011.

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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