Chan Sow Lin Memorial / 陳秀連墓園

Chan Sow Lin Memorial / 陳秀連墓園

Chan Siow Ling / Chan Sow Lin / Chen Xiu Ling (陳秀連) 1845-1927 was a wealthy business man in the late 19th and early 20th century.

He began his journey from China for Penang (some said Taiping, Perak) at the age of 16 and arrived to work as a tin miner. After some time, he was able to save some money and relocate to the then booming Kuala Lumpur to start his own mining business. Reportedly, he was the first chinese to have imported advance dredging machineries from the Europe to be used for tin mining here in Malaya then.

Later on, he is known to have started another business in iron works where he became known as the first overseas chinese to have venture into it back then.

Gradually becoming a famous businessman in iron works industries, he became known to be The father of Chinese iron works in Malaya.

A great philanthropist in the community back then, he has also co-found Chen Shi Shu Yuan, Tong Shing Hospital and many more and at the same time donating much land and money to charity and educational bodies.

There’s still a major road in kuala lumpur today named after him called Jalan Chan Sow Lin. And according to oldies, this area was once very famous for iron works even after his time.

Buried in Kwang Tung Cemetery / Kwong Tong Yee Shan (廣東義山). Sg Besi, his grave is located about 3 minutes walk from the main access road call Jalan Kerayong. You will see a memorial plaque pointing to it’s tomb.

Chan Sow Lin Memorial / 陳秀連墓園

Chan Sow Lin Memorial / 陳秀連墓園2

Below:- Photo of Chan Sow Lin dress in chinese officials robes on it’s tomb.

Chan Sow Lin Memorial / 陳秀連墓園3

Chan Sow Lin Memorial / 陳秀連墓園4

My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Guang Dong Yi Shan Li Shi Bo Wu Guan / 廣東義山歷史搏物館

Guang Dong Yi Shan Li Shi Bo Wu Guan / 廣東義山歷史搏物館

Kwang Tung Cemetery History Museum / Guang Dong Yi Shan Li Shi Bo Wu Guan / 廣東義山歷史搏物館.

Location:- Kuala Lumpur / 吉隆坡

It was over lunch that we decided to visit this place. It was lock up when we first arrive. Decided to enquire in the office next to it, and they send a nice elderly lady to unlock the museum for us.

Once unlock, we were greeted by a bronze statue of Kapitan cina Yap Ah Loy (葉亞來).

This two level museum is next to the Kwangtung cemetary office. There is much historical material about kapitan Yap ah Loy (葉亞來). There is also display about other famous chinese who has contributed to the society and development of Kuala Lumpur back those golden days in Malaya.

Much of the topic here is associated with the association.

I really need to thank the elderly lady who has spend an hour for us to read and photographs the exhibits. And also for explaining much of what’s inside to us.

Guang Dong Yi Shan Li Shi Bo Wu Guan / 廣東義山歷史搏物館1

Guang Dong Yi Shan Li Shi Bo Wu Guan / 廣東義山歷史搏物館2

Below:- Kwang Tung Cemetery Antique Coffin Carrier / Hearse.

Guang Dong Yi Shan Li Shi Bo Wu Guan / 廣東義山歷史搏物館3

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園.

Visiting this place was a task. We spend about an hour locating for the entrance to this location. Since this place is located inside the MINDEF Malaysia compound, getting in was a bit of an issue.

Born in 9 October 1845 in Dong Jiang village of Heshan, a Guangdong Province in China, Wong Loke Yew (黃陸佑) was a famous businessman and philanthropist during the British Malaya era. He was also once the riches man in Malaya. He passes away on 24 February 1917 in Malaya due to malaria.

There is even a road name after him which is called Jalan Loke Yew that still exist till today.

This location is the Loke Yew family graves. The area was once known as Hawthornden Estate. Buried here is Loke Yew himself, his wife (from the Lim family who passed away in 1912) Loke Wan Huai (died 1941) and Loke Wan Tho and wife (died 1964)

The tomb on the highest ground belongs to Loke Yew. In front of it’s tomb is the bronze statue. Following that would be his wife grave and at the bottom would be the two graves of its sons. It is reported that this place was probably design and build around 1927.

There is also a bronze statue of Loke Yew in this memorial and a pavilion. The pavilion is called Tsui Lan Memorial Hall / Cui Lan Ji Nian Tang (翠蘭紀念堂). Much of this place was build with feng shui principle. The tomb/grave was build following the traditional Fujian style design guarded with crafted imperial guardian lions. Unfortunately, I notice that the pearl that is suppose to be in the mouth has been stolen. The offering table on the tomb has also been desecrated.

What I would really like to know is… Who did the feng shui of this place back then. Or to have some really old photos where I could understand it’s layout more. Please email me or do leave a comment if you have some information to share.

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園2Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園3

Below:- Loke’s grave.

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園4

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園5Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園6

Below:- Surrounding feature.

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園7

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園8

Below:- Things that has been desecrated. Lions with missing pearl.

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園9

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園10

Below:- Dato and Datin Loke Wan Tho memorial plaque.

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園11

Below:- Tsui Lan Memorial Hall / Cui Lan Ji Nian Tang (翠蘭紀念堂).

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園11


-: part of an email from Mr Peter Biggadike an ex-member of the 656 SQUADRON. Many thanks to him, I was granted the permission to post these great photos. Do visit his website here.

“It would have been about July 1957. I had only just arrived at KL and I was only 18 years old at the time. I had never been out of England before so everything was very strange to me. I went for a walk on my own one weekend behind the airstrip. At the time the land there was mainly old tin mine workings (where we used to swim) and just small trees and bushes. I can remember following a large water pipe when I saw the “Temple” on a small hill. I didn’t know if I should be there but it looked such a beautiful place I just had to get a photo. So I climbed up to it and quickly took my photo’s and left. I had no idea what it was although I asked many friends over the years no one else seemed to know about it until a very old friend told me about 6 years ago.

The camera I used was an English make called a PERIFLEX. Unfortunately the shutter failed because of the heat and humidity a few weeks later. So I saved up hard until I could afford a second hand LEICA in Singapore. The rest of my old Far East pictures were taken with that”


Below :- Tsui Lan Memorial Hall / Cui Lan Ji Nian Tang 1957

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園12

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園13

Below:- View from inside the Memorial hall.

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園14

Below:- The airstrip at RAF NOBLEFIELD. Pete’s quote “The actual airstrip was little more than 400 yards long. It wasn’t concrete just packed earth. Our aircraft operated all over Malaya from strips like that. Sometimes using roads for take off and landing.”

Loke Yew Memorial / 陸佑墓園15

My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園.

Location :- Kuala Lumpur, Kwong Tong Cemetary / 吉隆坡广东义山.

An evening visit to Kwong Tong Cemetery, Sungai Besi, Kuala Lumpur.

This tomb belongs to the late Kapitan Yap Ah Loy / 葉亞來. There is a few more grave by the side that is said to have belongs to it’s family members.

Yap Ah Loy / 葉亞來 born 14 March 1837. also known as Yap Tet Loy. Arrive from China to Malaya in 1854 and to had spend his early years as a miner and a petty trader.

He was appointed as the third and most prominent Kapitan of kuala lumpur after his predecessor, Liu Ngim Kong / Liu Ren Guang / 劉壬光 passes away in 1869. Yap is also a known leader of the local Hai San secret society. Under his administration, Kuala Lumpur grew to become a major town in Malaya. He is also said to be the founder of Kuala Lumpur.

Much of his personal wealth is amass through Tin mining industries and through monopolization of exclusive controlled activities such as gambling, opium and loan sharking.

In 1864, Yap ah Loy builded a chinese temple in honour of Kapitan Shin Kap of Sungei Ujong (Seremban) aka Kapitan Sheng Ming Li. This temple is known as Xian Si Shi Ye Gong / 仙四師爺宮 / Sin Sze Si Ya / Shi Ye Miao / 師爺廟 and it is dedicated to patron deities of Xian Shi Ye / 仙師爺 and Si Shi Ye / 四師爺.

Through dreams, the deities has guided Kapitan Yap Ah Loy to defeat the enemies and defended Kuala lumpur during the civil war that broke out between 1870 to 1873.

On 4 January 1881, the entire town was engulfed in flames. The fire said to have started from an overturned oil lamp in an opium den cost a loss of an estimated $100,000 of which Yap Ah Loy’s shouldered the largest share of it. Yap started a brickworks factory to rebuild the town with bricks and roof tiles instead of wooden ply’s. The brickworks factory is used to be located at what is known today as Brickfields.

After falling ill with bronchitis and an abscess of the left lung, Kapitan Yap ah Loy passes away on 15 April 1885. The doctor whom examined Yap’s body later confirmed that his death was either due to heart failure or poisoning from the fumes of the charcoal brazier.

Related Post:-

Xian Si Shi Ye Gong-Kuala Lumpur / 仙四師爺宮-吉隆坡.

Kapitan Sheng Ming Li Memorial / 甲必丹盛明利墓園.

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園 2

Below:- Some new photos taken on 22 May 2011.

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園 3

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園 4

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園 5

Kapitan Yap Ah Loy Memorial / 甲必丹葉亞來墓園 6

My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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