Iphone Coordinate fix.

Issue with iphone coordinate search on google map.

I was trying to locate a certain off-road location with the iPhone map app using coordinates given to me. To my surprise , the google map app shows a different location all together. After keying in the longitude and latitude of an off-road location, the map app will show the nearest road to the coordinate. But the coordinate will be precise if the location search is some distance away from the nearest road.

The method below would help people like me to find exact location of geo cache/off road locations.

Took me a while searching the net for the fix and found the solution. 🙂

Here’s the fix to get the exact coordinate on the iPhone map app.
Add the prefix “loc:” before the coordinates. (make sure the “l” is not in capital/uppercase)

loc:12.1234,123.1234 this should drop the pin to the exact location of the keyed in long/lat.

Hope this helps.

Below:- example preview.

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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Old Cemetery house

This cemetery house which i visited was very weird . I first came to this place about 13 years ago. According to old folks nearby, the lion head on top of this building has been cut off many years ago due to feng shui reason.

If any of you have seen this and knows more information about this, please leave a comment with your email address.

Below:- Lions with the head missing.

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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Jin Ying Tan-Rawang / 金英壇-萬撓

Jin Ying Tan-Rawang / 金英壇-萬撓.

Location:- Rawang, Selangor / 萬撓, 雪兰莪.

Pronounce as Kam Ying Tan in cantonese. I think the direct chinese character translation will be golden hero. This temple is located at the side of a hill over looking a small town. It took a while to locate this place which i have to travel through a chinese village to get there.

The are many deities on the main altar. I would not be able to tell you all their names. 🙂 The main central altar worships the god Jin Ying Zu Shi / Grandmaster Jin Ying (金英祖師)

Jin Ying Tan-Rawang / 金英壇-萬撓

Below:- Main Altar

Jin Ying Tan-Rawang / 金英壇-萬撓

Location Map / 神廟地圖

Click here to open location in GOOGLE MAP / 點擊這裡打開谷歌地圖

Center map
Get Directions

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Chinese hand greeting.

Much friends has ask me what does it means when we greet each other with the left hand spearing over the right fist commonly seen in Kung Fu movies.

Well I would believe its the Chinese method of a good gesture.

There are many version of explanation to this hand gesture/greetings.

One version says it’s a meaning of yin and yang while one version states a meaning of sun and moon/ day and month . Some has said its a secret society hand gesture for “destroy the Ching, restore the Ming” / 反清復明. (the Chinese character for Ming/明 is a character of day/日 and month/月 combine together)

The left hand flat 4 fingers on top symbolize wen(文-literature and culture) while the right hand fist symbolize wu (武-art and martial).

To use this gesture on negotiation with an opponent means things can be solve either by literature or martial means.

This gesture is also use either for paying respects to master/senior or if you were about to fight an opponent in martial combat.

Mainly this chinese gesture is usually as a symbol of civility.

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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