Zong Xian Tang-Kuala Lumpur / 宗賢堂-吉隆坡

Zong Xian Tang-Kuala Lumpur / 宗賢堂-吉隆坡.

Location:- Kuala Lumpur / 吉隆坡.

Cantonese :- Zhong Sin Tong.

Was traveling around. Came upon this chinese temple in the housing area. Unfortunately the door is close so I could not tell what god reside in this temple. Maybe in the future I would revisit this place again and update this post.

Zong Xian Tang-Kuala Lumpur / 宗賢堂-吉隆坡

Zong Xian Tang-Kuala Lumpur / 宗賢堂-吉隆坡

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Yuan Shuai Dian-Sentul / 元帥殿-冼都

Yuan Shuai Dian-Sentul / 元帥殿-冼都.

Location:- Sentul, Kuala Lumpur / 冼都, 吉隆坡.

This chinese temple worship the black face general (General Zhang) usually known as Fatt Chee Kung (法主公). On the side there is a small shrine dedicated to a deity by the name of Dato Haji Hussin.

Yuan Shuai Dian-Sentul / 元帥殿-冼都

Yuan Shuai Dian-Sentul / 元帥殿-冼都

Below :- Dato Haji Hussin’s shrine.

Yuan Shuai Dian-Sentul / 元帥殿-冼都

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Flood at the temple.

Flood, flood, flood. Its just been raining for 45 minutes and its starting to flood the front of the temple. This is what happens when the land owner next door close all their water outlet to the river near by (maybe to show a piece of flat empty land for future buyers). All water from his land has got no where to go thus making water exiting through the only drain (5 inch) next to the temple.

Plus also our smart malaysian river consultant decided to build a retaining wall by the side of the river this year with no water outlet to the nearby river. 🙁

Development sometimes cause more damage than good.

Below:- The only water exit for an acre land.

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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2010 Graveyard shift - Seventh month.

7th month Night Cemetery prayers.

This year the chinese 7th month graveyard night prayers went through smooth and well. At about 10:30pm, everybody left the temple heading to the chinese cemetery in the heart of kuala lumpur.

The prayers started about 11:15pm and ended about 01:00am. The timing was good comparing to those days where we would have to be there only about midnight and finish about 3-4:00am.

I would consider that we did this session with no issue at all. No phone calls are allowed this time around and time to come. (people got the tendency to curse and swear over the phone) and like Tua Pek said “Those who got so much business at night should stay home and do their business”

This year the crowd was smaller as requested by the bosses. Those whose date of birth clashes this month are not permitted to visit. And there is no point for the crowd to be big when sincerity is not there (some are just for experience purposes). I believe it would get smaller in time to come. This ceremony is not a show of people or power but it is a ceremony to give offerings to the good brothers / wandering soul. Some business people would also seek prayers for the good brothers to help their businesses to get better or to solve their current problem. Some are here to repay what they have ask for during Qing Ming cemetery night prayers.

This ceremony also marks the end of 2010 chinese hungry ghost festival for the temple.

Update:- This year, the bosses are happy. We receive only minor complains. 🙂

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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