Sheng Jun Dian-Pagoh / 聖君殿-巴俄.
Known as Sheng Kuan Din in Cantonese. Located in Pagoh, Johor. It main altar worship the black face deity Fa Zhu Gong / 法主公. Fatt Chee Kung in Cantonese. This place is build on the side of a hill with a chinese cemetery next to it. The view on the frontal is marvelous.
They have the Green face(General Hsio / 萧公聖君), Red face(General Hung / 洪公聖君) and Black face(General Zhang / 张公聖君) Fatt Chee Kung on the main altar. All three are usually known as Fa Zhu Gong San Sheng Jun / 法主公三聖君.
Fa Chu Kung annual birthday is on the 23rd day of the chinese lunar 7th month.
The five chinese character written on the outside board is call Yu Huang Gao Shang Ti / 玉皇高上帝. Yoke Wong Ko Sheong Ti in cantonese.
There is also a room devoted to Da Er Bo Ye / 大二伯爷 on the side of the building.

Below:- It’s marvelous view.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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