Nam Tian Miao - Pagoh / 南天廟 - 巴俄

Nam Tian Miao-Pagoh / 南天廟-巴俄

Location:- Pagoh, Muar, Johor / 巴俄, 麻坡, 柔佛.

Nam Tian Miao is translated as South Heaven temple.

Located on the side along the main road of Jalan Sengkang, Pagoh, Johor.

This small temple builded in 1967 is dedicated to the worships of their patron deity Na Zha San Tai Zi or more commonly known as the 3rd prince / 哪吒三太孑 on its main altar. Other Deities worship on the altar consist of Goddess Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公, Fa Zhu Gong /法主公, etc.

The name written on it’s registration is Persatuan Penganut Dewa San Tai Zi which means The third prince San Tai Zi deity worshipers society.

Nam Tian Miao-Pagoh / 南天廟-巴俄

Nam Tian Miao-Pagoh / 南天廟-巴俄

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Hwa Kuang Miao - Lenga / 華光廟 - 嶺嘉

Hwa Kuang Miao-Lenga / 華光廟-嶺嘉.

Location:- Lenga, Muar, Johor / 嶺嘉, 麻坡, 柔佛.

Pinyin: Hua Guang Miao

Ling Ga Wah Kong Miu in cantonese. The entrance signage says “Persatuan Penganut Dewa Hwa Kuang Lenga” meaning Lenga Hwa Kuang deity devotee society. Lenga is a town in the district of Muar, Johor.

Written on it’s registration, the temples society was formed on 21 December 1994. According to its caretaker, it’s main celebration is held on the 28 day on the Chinese 9 month.

This temple worships the deity Hua Guang Ma Tian Jun / 華光馬天君 on it’s main altar. Hua Guang Ma Tian Jun / 華光馬天君 should not be mix up with Er Lang Shen / 二郎神 as they are different deities. There are also other deities on the main altar too. Since this location is in a rubber plantation, it has a huge front with many rubber trees on the side.

Hwa Kuang Miao-Lenga / 華光廟-嶺嘉

Hwa Kuang Miao-Lenga / 華光廟-嶺嘉

Below:- The signage beside the main road. This is what caught my attention.

Hwa Kuang Miao-Lenga / 華光廟-嶺嘉

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Nam Zhou Wang Bao Fu-Bukit Kepong / 南洲王寶府-武吉哈逢

Nam Zhou Wang Bao Fu-Bukit Kepong / 南洲王寶府-武吉哈逢.

Location:- Bukit Kepong, Muar, Johor / 武吉哈逢, 麻坡, 柔佛.

Nam Chou Wong Po Fu in cantonese. Its a Tua dee ya lek, Da Er Bo Ye / 大二伯爷 temple in Bukit Kepong / 武吉哈逢, Muar, Johor. This will be my 3rd time visiting this premise. I have always wanted to mark down all the temples i have visited but i do not have the technology to do so till this iphone came along. Now i am able to stamp the coordinate of the location on the picture.

I first visited this place in year 2005 and the last visit was about 2 years ago. Then, it was just an old looking temple. Now the temple have been refurbish with all the nice works. This place has a big surrounding with a stage in front plus a restaurant on the side. All in a palm oil estate.

It’s main altar devoted to the worshipped of their patron deity to Da Bo Ye / 大伯爷, Er Bo Ye / 二伯爷 and Xiao Zi Ye / 孝子爺. Da Er Bo Ye / 大二伯爷 are often known as first and second uncle/general to the gods of the underworld.

Nam Zhou Wang Bao Fu-Bukit Kepong / 南洲王寶府-武吉哈逢

Nam Zhou Wang Bao Fu-Bukit Kepong / 南洲王寶府-武吉哈逢

Nam Zhou Wang Bao Fu-Bukit Kepong / 南洲王寶府-武吉哈逢

Below:- A picture of the altar taken a few years ago.

Nam Zhou Wang Bao Fu-Bukit Kepong / 南洲王寶府-武吉哈逢

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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My Time – – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Praying to Hungry Ghost

Praying to Hungry Ghost

Much have been told about praying to the hungry ghost during the seventh month but there are little information on how it is done. Some has called this praying to good brothers or road side praying. The date to begin prayers for this years 2010 chinese hungry ghost festival will begin on the 10th august and ends on 7th september.

It is believe that gates of hell opens during the chinese seventh month. Also called the hungry ghost festival. During this time, most chinese family would do prayers to appease the spirits and soul that come out to roam this world.

Prayers can be done alone or with friends and family members. Here are the process on usually how it’s done locally in malaysia. These are the basic….

Location is usually selected outside or behind the house/work premise. It must be done away from the view of the main altar.

Setting the ground altar. Place food offerings facing outwards. Food offering usually consist of vegetables, a pot of rice, sweets, biscuit, chicken, pork, fish and etc. (food offering depend on the capability of the individual). Rice offering can made be in 1,3,6,10 or 12 bowls. Every bowl should also be equip with spoon and chopstick.

There will be no incense pot so loosen the ground for the joss stick to stick up right. If the ground is cemented, have a disposable cup of soil as an incense pot.

Paper offering consist of hell notes and clothing are first pour onto the ground. Light up all the candles and place them surrounding the paper offering (if ground is cemented, only 2 candles would be use). One may also line up the candles in a row/straight line . Keep the paper offering in a distance of a feet so it would not be accidentally lighted.

Depending on the quantity of joss stick given, one may have 3 joss stick between every candles.

Facing away the house, with the 3 joss stick in hand, you begin by inviting the spirits of the 5 direction. Begin by praying 3 times forward, turn 45°, pray 3 times again then turn again and pray till u have completed a full circle from where you started. Each time inviting the spirits or soul to the feast.

Knell down and pray for good health and fortune. Pray 3 times . Stick the joss on the ground. Walk away from the offering about a few meters. This will provide privacy for the spirits/good brothers to enjoy their food. Wait till the candle is 50% burn before you could light up the paper offering. When lighted, one should utter about things that are auspicious.

Take another 3 joss stick and pray 3 times thanking the spirits and soul. Stick the joss stick up right to the ground. Any extra joss and candles should be thrown into the fire now. None of the joss stick, candles or paper offerings should be bought back into the house for future use. Food offerings are left on the ground.

Is it advisable to monitor the burning paper for fear that it may cause a major fire incident. This has happen before.

These are the taboo during prayers. All the above must not be done in a hush hush manner. One should not curse or swear during the prayers. Spitting is also prohibited. It is also advisable not to dress up in full red or yellow for this occasion.

Good Luck. 🙂

Visit my previous post on Chinese hungry ghost taboo if you wanna know more about thing that are inauspicious during this time.

Below:- Joss material and paper offering.

Praying to hungry ghost

Below:- Hell currency. If any of you is interested in purchasing any of these hell currency, do drop me a note.

Praying to hungry ghost 2

Below:- Basic setup

Praying to hungry ghost 3

My Time – – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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