Tien Po Ann-Jenjarom / 天寶安-仁嘉隆

Tien Po Ann-Jenjarom / 天寶安-仁嘉隆

Location:- Jenjarom, Selangor / 仁嘉隆, 雪兰莪州.

While driving through this area, i came about a house with a signage that signify a house of worship. This temple, operating from a house, consist of two altars. It main altar is devoted to the worshipped of its main patron deity, the Green face General Xiao / Xiao Gong Sheng Jun / 蕭公圣君 whom is also a member of Fa Zhu Gong San Sheng Jun / 法主公三聖君. There are also other deities that are worshipped on this main altar of this temple. They includes Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Na Du Gong / 嗱督公, Tai Sui / 太歲, etc.

Another smaller altar on the side is devoted to the five heavenly marshals, Wu Ying Yuan Shuai / 五營元帥. Its local earth deity, Tu Di Gong / 土地公 and Di Zhu Gong / 地主公 is enshrined below this altar.

Tien Po Ann-Jenjarom / 天寶安-仁嘉隆

Below:- The signage that caught my attention.

Tien Po Ann-Jenjarom / 天寶安-仁嘉隆 2

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Tien Po Ann-Jenjarom / 天寶安-仁嘉隆 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆

Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆

Location:- Jenjarom, Selangor / 仁嘉隆, 雪兰莪州.

Registered as Persatuan Penganut Dewa Yin Fu Tang.

Located with a palm oil estate behind, this temple is devoted to the worshipped of The City God, Cheng Huang Ye / 城隍爺. There are also other Yin deities worshipped on its altar, these include’s Da Er Bo Ye / 大二伯爷 along with Niu Tou Ma Mian / 牛头馬面. The floor in the main prayer hall is layer with green floor marble tiles, making it very nice. It really gives the premise a unique look. More so when the green lights are turn on at night.

A smaller shrine on outside is enshrined with its local territorial deity, Na To Gong / 嗱督公. It is located at the front side of the temple. Here its Na To Gong is called Dato Dohali.

Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆

Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆 2

Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆 3

Below:- Dato Dohali Shrine.

Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆 4

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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Yin Fu Tan-Jenjarom / 陰府壇-仁嘉隆 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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San Pao Fo Tang-Jenjarom / 三寶佛堂-仁嘉隆

San Pao Fo Tang-Jenjarom / 三寶佛堂-仁嘉隆.

Location:- Jenjarom, Selangor / 仁嘉隆, 雪兰莪州.

On the way to Jenjarom, and this small temple caught my attention. The setup was different so I decided to stop by and see what this is. I thought that both is a same temple. Actually not.

The Hindu temple next door is run by a different priest.

The Chinese temple worships both the chinese and thai gods. There is an altar for the pass old masters too.

San Pao Fo Tang / 三寶佛堂

Location Map / 神廟地圖

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San Pao Fo Tang-Jenjarom / 三寶佛堂-仁嘉隆 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.

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T'ung shu / T'ung shing / 通勝

T’ung shu, The chinese farmers almanac is fill with plenty of information. From astronomy, pregnancy, divinition, spell, rhyme, poetry, and much much more. It is produce annualy to help the farmer decide on the best planting and havesting time.

Date selection is the primary use of this book. It tell where all the auspicious and inauspicious star is located.

Oldies use to hang this book above the main door to dispell bad luck and to chase away demon and spirits.

I am looking for all 60years cycle of it. Currently I have only about 30 of it or so. I will sit down one day and figure out which year I have missed out. Bout 15 of them belong to me since I started collecting so I would have t’ung shu from 2010 till 1995. The rest are given by friends . Thanks 🙂

Below:- The T’ung Shing.

Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝

Below:- The Spring Cow Map 春牛圖

Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝

Below:- Charms anyone?

Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝

Below:- Fetus information

Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝

My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog where i catalog chinese temples in malaysia.

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