Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積
Location :- Mancis, Pahang / 文積, 彭亨州.
While having coffee in a small town Mancis, i was told by some of its regular patrons of the coffee shop that a temple is located not far from town. Since it was along the route, we decided to located this temple. Upon arrival, we were greeted by locals who were doing their evening exercise in the huge multi-purpose hall build by the temple. It also has a set of beautiful murals of the Men Shen / 門神 deities on the doors of the main prayer hall and beautiful drawings of the Si Da Tian Wang / 四大天王 can be found on a few pillar at the front of this temple. It also has an opera stage build next to the main prayer hall for festivals and celebration purposes.
This temple has a five section altar in the main prayer hall. The centre altar is devoted to the worshipped of its main patron deity, Hua Guang Da Di / 华光大帝. Other deities worshipped in other section of this main altar includes Goddess Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, Fa Zhu Gong /法主公, Tian Hou Niang Niang / 天后娘娘, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, Yu Huang Da Di / 玉皇大帝 and the third prince, Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑.

Below:- Beautiful painting on the pillar at the front of the temple.
Location Map / 神廟地圖
Click here to open location in GOOGLE MAP / 點擊這裡打開谷歌地圖
Hua Guang Miao-Mancis / 華光廟-文積 – My Time – – Cataloging Chinese temple in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.