Sheng Niang Miao-Mantin / 聖娘廟-文丁
Location:- Mantin, Negeri Sembilan / 文丁, 森美兰州.
More commonly known as Tian Hou Shui Wei Sheng Niang Miao-Mantin / 天后水尾聖娘廟-文丁.
Registered as Rumah Berhala Thian Heow Sui Moi Sin Nyong in 1974.
A little signage lead us to this temple when we were searching around for a good place to have our evening coffee. This temple is located in housing area located not far away from the main town of Mantin.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by the temple caretaker, Madam Lim Choon Lan / 林春蘭 and she was kind enough to take the time to tell us about the temple’s history and activities. According to her, this place of worshipped was establish in 1900. The main deity, known here as Tian Hou Shui Wei Sheng Niang / 天后水尾聖娘, has been in existence for more than a hundred years and was actually housed in a small wooden shrine in a location near this current temple. After years of worshipped, the villagers nearby decided to rebuild a bigger temple to commemorate the deities. Uniquely, due to the age, the design of the deities on the altar are less likely seen today.

Its main prayer hall consist of a main altar with five section. The first section is enshrined with two wooden tablet. I couldn’t be sure to whom exactly one of these tablet is dedicated to but the other is dedicated to the 108 brothers / 108兄弟公, based on the inscription carved on the tablet. The 108 brothers is a group of 19th century sea merchant from Hainan, China. They were killed by pirates and was thrown into the sea off the coast of Vietnam. It was told that the 108 brothers killed became sea spirit whom protect sea merchants who travel that route at sea. Later, these 108 spirit was bestowed with the tittle Zhao Ying Ying Lie 108 Zhong Hun / 昭应英烈108忠魂 by the hainanese sea merchants.

Enshrined on the second section facing the main entrance is their main patron deity, Shui Wei Niang Niang / 水尾娘娘 along with Tian Hou Niang Niang / 天后娘娘. The third section is dedicated to the worshipped of Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝 flank by it assistants, Zhou Cang / 周倉 and Guan Ping Tai Zi / 關平太孑. Other deities worshipped on this section includes Hua Guang Da Di / 華光大帝 and Xuan Tian Shang Di / 玄天上帝. The fourth section is dedicated to the worshipped of the Goddess Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩 and the last section towards the right is dedicated to the worshipped of the yearly Tai Sui / 太歲.
On the left hand corner of this main prayer hall, a papier mache of the wealth deity, Da Bo Ye / 大伯爺 is enshrined. The tiger deity, Bai Hu / 白虎 is also worshipped in the main prayer hall and the it’s Na To Gong / 嗱督公 is housed in a shrine outside, next to the temple.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Bo Gong Miao-Rompin / 伯公廟-雲冰.
Location: Kuala Rompin, Rompin, Pahang / 瓜拉雲冰, 雲冰, 彭亨.
Registered as KUIL CINA TUA PEI KONG in 1985.
It’s been many years that i’ve spoken about visiting this part of malaysia. This time around, i was lucky that i was invited by friend’s to join along for this road trip. As there was no direct access via the highway, almost the whole journey were done through federal route’s between palm tree estates. We arrived at Kuala Rompin in the evening and saw this huge beautiful Pai Lou / 牌樓 leading to a temple while heading to the nearby resort. This temple is located next to a chinese primary school along the main road. Since it was already late, I’ve decided to make a return trip the next day.

Upon arrival the following day, we were greeted by the temple caretaker whom had spend time to explain much of its history and surrounding. According to him, this is the only chinese temple located in this area.
Based on what we’ve gathered, this place of worship had actually started in a wooden house till some devotees donated this land to the temple. With funds raised by generous donors, they were able to build a larger temple here. The caretaker couldn’t be sure of the exact date but it was said that all this were during the 1970’s. The only clue provided were a donor’s recognition board for a stage that is dated 1978. It was in 1984 that this temple did its major refurbishment.
Much of the interior and exterior wall were painted with beautiful drawings of chinese deities Neatly kept, it is enshrined with three altars.

The main altar on the centre is devoted to the worshipped of its main patron deity, Da Bo Gong / 大伯公. According to the caretaker, it is commonly known here as a Teochew Da Bo Gong. Beside him, the god of war and fortune, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝 and Guo Sheng Ye / 郭聖爺 is also enshrined here. Guo Sheng Ye / 郭聖爺 is more commonly known as Guang Ze Zun Wang / 廣澤尊王.
An altar to the left is dedicated to the Goddess Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩 while the altar to the right is dedicated to Fa Zhu Gong /法主公. A huge rostrum of a sawfish is displayed here on this altar with red chinese characters written on it. Kindly note that this rostrum has been around since the 1970’s and it is a common relic displayed in temple’s visited by fishermen. It is illegal to purchase one today as the sawfish is now considered an endangered species.
Other deities enshrined in this temple includes Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑, Bai Hu / 白虎 and Di Zhu Gong / 地主公. On the exterior, a shrine dedicated to it local area deity, Na To Gong / 嗱督公 is build by side of the main premise.


Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Old Ling An Dian-Panchor / 舊靈安殿-班卒.
Location:- Panchor, Muar, Johor / 班卒, 麻坡, 柔佛.
After a brief by the caretaker at the new temple of Ling An Dian-Panchor / 靈安殿-班卒, we were told about the earlier premise that still stand today. We were introduced to this uncle whom has frequent this temple for many years and told that he will guide us to the old temple location.
We were following this uncle whom is travelling on a motorcycle about 2-3 kilometers through rubber and palm oil estates and out of nowhere a huge pai lou / 牌樓 showed up among the trees. And not far from it, the temple stood out among the greens.

Surrounded by rubber trees, it has two shrine builded. One on the right dedicated to the worshipped of Wu Ying Yuan Shuai / 五營元帥 and one on the left dedicated to the worshipped of Bai Hu / 白虎.
The old premise is still neatly kept with painting of chinese deities and mythological characters on its walls. Instead of a statue, a stone tablet engraved with the name Lao Bo Ye Gong and San Shan Gou Wang / 三山国王 on its surface is place on its main altar along with a beautiful incense pot.

We spend an hour, enjoying the environment before heading down to Panchor town for a evening tea. I hope this place will be maintain in future for generation to visit.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Ling An Dian-Panchor / 靈安殿-班卒
Location:- Panchor, Muar, Johor / 班卒, 麻坡, 柔佛.
This temple is located by the side of the main road as you enter this small fishing town in muar. With a huge pai lou / 牌樓, one will definitely not miss it. Based on photos and news acquired from the Internet, this temple was also effected by the major flood in 2011.
Upon arrival, we were greeted by one of the caretaker. She was nice enough to explained to us about the temple histories and surrounding information.
It was during the 19 century, Chinese immigrant from Chaosan / 潮汕, China came to Malaya to work as rubber tapper and labourers. They brought along their culture and the main patron deity of this temple to this small town now known as Panchor. It’s original temple is located inside a palm oil estate not far from here. The old temple can be found in this blog with the title “Old Ling An Dian-Panchor / 舊靈安殿-班卒”

This temple is beautifully designed and builded with a koi pond by its side. It currently has a small palm oil estate located next to it but will be cleared for further developments. Two shrine were build by the side of the temple. One of these beautiful shrine is dedicated to the worshipped of Da Bo Gong / 大伯公 along with the Tiger god, Hu Ye / 虎爺 while another shrine is dedicated to Wu Ying Yuan Shuai / 五營元帥 also commonly known as Wu Ye / 五爺.

It’s interior is elegantly design with painting of mythological character on its beams and walls. It has two main altars, one on the main hall and another in the inner hall. The altar on the main prayer hall is devoted to the worshipped of its main patron deity Lao Bo Ye Gong / 老伯爺公 aka Bo Yi / 伯夷 and San Shan Gou Wang / 三山国王. Other major deities worshipped on this main altar includes Gan Tian Da Di / 感天大帝, Dong Tian Da Di / 東天大帝, Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖, Shen Nong Da Di / 神農大帝, Hong Xian Da Di / 洪仙大帝, Qing Shan Huang Ye / 青山皇爺, Zhu Fu Da Yuan Shuai / 朱府大元帥 and Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑.
On the inner hall, a huge altar over looking a small wishing pond, is devoted to the worshipped of Nan Hai Guan Yin Pu Sa / 南海觀音菩薩 along with Pu Xian Pu Sa / 普賢菩薩, Man Gu Niang Niang / 屘姑娘娘, Wen Shu Pu Sa / 文殊菩薩, Zhu Sheng Niang Niang / 注生娘娘 and Wei Tuo Pu Sa / 韋馱菩萨.


River Parade.
From a video distributed to me, in 2012, this temple organised it’s 80th annual festival. This temple organised its parade on the river travelling from panchor to muar. Multiple boats were decorated with dragon and phoenix along with the temples deities. Gongs and drums were rousing throughout the journey. Stopping only on selected location where altars were set up by other temples along the side of the river inviting them. Upon arriving to Muar town, the locals were already waiting at the jetty to receive these beautifully lighted boats and deities. Participants rested for a day before making a returning trip back to Panchor. In total, the whole procession takes 3 days to complete. I was told earlier by the caretaker that this is the only parade of this kind done in Malaysia.


Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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