Qi Tian Da Sheng Fu-Batu Pahat / 齊天大聖府-峇株巴辖
Aka Persatuan Penganut Dewa Fook Teck Soon Sern Full.
Location:- 8th mile, Jalan Senggarang, Batu Pahat, Johor / 新加蘭路八支, 峇株巴辖, 柔佛.
Build on a hilly slope above a papaya farm, this temple provides a magnificent view to its visitors. Staring afar, one would definitely be mesmerized by the view of its surrounding hilly greens. We arrived late so i was rushing to get some photos of its exterior before the sunlight fades away.
Be aware that the road leading to this place is located on a curve along federal route 5 also known as Jalan Batu Pahat-Pontian. It also has a small signage erected by the side of the main road for easy finding.
Upon arrival, visitors would be greeted by two miniature pagoda in front of a prayer hall known as Dou Mu Gong / 斗姥宮. These pagodas, if not mistaken are known as the north and south tower that is usually found in much temple devoted to Dou Mu Yuan Jun / 斗母元君 or Jiu Huang Da Di / 九皇大帝.

The main prayer hall of this temple is uniquely designed. It’s structure is octagonal in shape and it has a huge maindoor leading into it. On its main altar, its main patron deity Qi Tian Da Sheng / 齊天大聖 commonly known as the monkey god, Sun Wu Kong / 孫悟空 sits grandly on it.
The main deity is huge making it about 6-7 feet in height even when its sitting down. Other deities worshipped on this altar includes Na Zha San Tai Zi / 哪吒三太孑, Fa Zhu Gong /法主公, Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神, Goddess Guan Yin / Guan Yin Pu Sa / 觀音菩薩, Tian Hou Niang Niang / Goddess Tian Hou / 天后娘娘, Guan Sheng Da Di / 關聖大帝, etc…

Uniquely in this prayer hall, a Bronze Shakyamuni Buddha / Shi Jia Mou Ni Fo / 釋迦牟尼佛 statue with a finger pointing upwards on one hand and pointing downwards on the other is placed standing on a big bowl fill with water. This deity is rarely seen and I was astonish to see it here. To my understanding from other visits, devotees would scoop some water and pour it over the statue. This is said to bring good luck and prosperity.
Mythologically, It is said that when Shakyamuni was born, he walked seven steps to each cardinal and return to the center with one finger pointing to heaven and another pointing to earth. Hence the pose of this deity.

On one side of it main prayer hall, the figurine of the 60 Tai Sui / 太歲 is worshipped. All 60 of them has it name and year of ruling tag on it for easy recognition.
Multiple shrine are seen on its side of its main prayer hall. They are devoted to Na To Gong / 嗱督公, Hu Ye Gong / 虎爺公 aka Bai Hu / 白虎 and a shine for its Yin Deities.
The Dou Mu Gong / 斗姥宮 prayer hall mention earlier is build devoted to the worship of Dou Mu Yuan Jun / 斗母元君 along with other deities. They includes Nan Dou Xing Jun / 南斗星君, Bei Dou Xing Jun / 北斗星君, Lin Fu Tai Shi / 林府太師 and Hua Guang Xian Shi / 華光先師.
Another prayer hall is located behind the Dou Mu Gong / 斗姥宮 prayer hall. It is build with a higher view and is devoted to the worship of Lord Buddha / Fo Zu / 佛祖.
On this visit, the temple is at the final stage of building a Pavillion in front of it. Already, it has a vast surrounding with landscape ponds decorated with beautiful garden ornaments of Pi Xiu / 貔貅 and dragons. This place will definitely be more beautiful when I visit again in future.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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He Ling Gong-Pt.Berong / 合靈宮-馬弄港
Location:- Parit Berong, Senggarang, Batu Pahat, Johor / 馬弄港, 新加蘭, 峇株巴辖, 柔佛.
Aka Persatuan Penganut Dewa Fa Zu He Ling Gong.
We were heading towards Batu Pahat town after a visit to Pekan Nenas till we came about a small signage with drawing of snakes on it. Since we were driving at a moderate speed, i only had a glance of it and thought there were a snake temple here. We decide to make a Uey and followed the signage in til we came upon this temple.
When we arrived, i was astonished by its surrounding. As like many temple, a stage is build in its compound for festival purposes but uniquely here, it is decorated with huge painting of snakes. Beside it, a huge hall is also build for its festival and community use.
On the other end, shrine’s for the worship of its Wu Ye / 5 General / 五爺 and Na To Gong / 嗱督公 is overlooking at the road leading in. It also has a structure in front that i believe is some sort of Pakua well /Ba Gua Jing / 八卦井.
While our way in, the caretaker was already following us on her motorbike. She was able to provide me a bit of detail about this place and with permission, allowed us to record its surrounding.
Beside a paint job, everything is still in great condition. Well that’s about the exterior. Now on the inside of this temple, huge statue’s of its main patron deities Fa Zhu Gong San Sheng Jun 法主公三圣君 sits grandly on it’s beautifully crafted altar. Usually differentiate by the color of their face, they are known as Zhang Gong Sheng Jun 張公圣君 (black face), Xiao Gong Sheng Jun 蕭公圣君 (green face), and Hong Gong Sheng Jun 洪公圣君 (red face). Zhang Gong Sheng Jun is also known to the Hokkien as Huat Chu Kong. There are other deities worship on altar too, among them are Ji Gong Huo Fo / 濟公活佛, Guang Ze Zun Wang / 廣澤尊王, Xuan Tian Shang Ti / 玄天上帝, etc.
A section on the further left on this altar worship the deity Hua Guang Da Di / 華光大帝 along with Tie Guai Li / Iron-Crutch Li / 鐵拐李 and Shan Cai Tong Zi / 善財童子.
On the further right section of this altar, Tai Sui / 太歲 along with Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神 aka Da Bo Gong / 大伯公, Lord Guan Di / 關帝 and a deity unknown to me.
On the rear prayer hall, its Yin altar is worshipped here. This room is very dim and its only lighted by some red and green lights. Deities of its Da Er Bo Ye / Tua Dee Ya Pek / 大二伯爺 in here are almost in real human form and size. One unique thing, its incense pot is rarely seen as it is carved with figure of Niu Tou /Ox Head /牛头 and Ma Mian /Horse Face / 馬面 on it. On its altar, deities of the underworld are worshiped here. Deities includes Yan Lou Wang / King Yama / 閻羅王 aka Yan Luo Tian Zi / 閻羅天子, Da Er Bo Ye / Tua Dee Ya Pek / 大二伯爺, Wen Pan Guan / 文判官, Wu Pan Guan / 武判官, Zhong Kui / 鍾馗, Xiao Zi Ye / Hau Ji Ye / 孝子爺, etc. If you wanna know how the Chinese underworld looked like, it has a wall painting’s of the 10 court of hell in here too.
Set of stairs brought us to an upper level of this premise where an altar is place here devoted to the worship of Dou Mu Yuan Jun / 斗母元君. Among other deities on this altar are Lord Buddha / Fo Zu / 佛祖, Ti Zang Wang Pu Sa / 地藏王普薩, Zhu Sheng Niang Niang / 注生娘娘, Tian Hou Niang Niang / Goddess Tian Hou / 天后娘娘, etc.
Definitely a nice place.


Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Bo Gong Gong-Tg.Air Hitam / 伯公宮-怡淡港
Location:- Tanjung Air Hitam, Ayer Hitam, Pontian, Johor / 怡淡港, 亞依淡, 笨珍, 柔佛州.
Aka “Persatuan Penganut Dewa Tua Pek Kong, Ayer Hitam, Kayu Ara Pasong, Pontian, Johor.” or Tokong Tanjung Air Hitam.
We were driving around looking for pineapple farms till this temple showed up from among the trees along this route that we were on. It has a beautiful Pai Lou / 牌樓 erected at its entrance and also a large compound. And since we’ve been driving for quite some time, we decided to stop by to stretch out backs. This temple is build devoted to the worshipped of Da Bo Gong / 大伯公. One could imagine the quietness of the night in this place since its surrounded by palm oil plantation. The caretaker were busy cleaning up the surrounding when we turned up. He was able to share a little about this temple to me but it was quite unfortunate that he was not able to recall what year this temple was erected.

Beside the prayer hall, an opened air shed is build for its committee or probably for its surrounding community to spend their leisure time. While on the other side, a shrine is build dedicated to its local deity, Na To Gong / 嗱督公. It also has a Wu Lou / Hulu / 葫蘆 shaped incense furnace build on its front yard.
It’s main altar on the interior is small and simple with a metal cage build on it to prevent theft. Well, its not surprising since its situated a distance away from the nearest town.
On it, it patron deity Da Bo Gong / 大伯公 sit grandly on the altar flanked by its its Wen Guan / 文官 and Wu Guan / 武官. Da Bo Gong / 大伯公 is also known as Fu De Zheng Shen / 福德正神. He is usually depicted as an old man with long white beards carrying a wooden staff and a gold ingot.
By the way, we found the pineapple farm along the route to Bukit Batu. A whole 2000acres of it.


Location Map / 神廟地圖
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Bo Gong Gong-Tg.Air Hitam / 伯公宮-怡淡港 – My Time – my.72dragon.com – Cataloging Chinese temples in Malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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Ling Jin Tang-Rambah /靈晉堂-南峇
Aka Persatuan Pengikut Ajaran Dewa Leng Chen.
Location:- Rambah, Pontian, Johor / 南峇, 笨珍, 柔佛.
We were driving towards Pekan Nenas after a visit to Kukup till we came about Pai Lou / 牌樓 off the federal route 95 (Jalan Kukup) that brought us to this small temple. Located at almost the end of the tar road, it is definitely not difficult to spot.
A simple altar is build in this premise and it consist of three section.
On the left section of the altar, its Tai Sui / 太歲 is worshipped while the center section is devoted to the worship of it main patron deities.
From left to right on this center section, its main patron deities are known as Zhou Fu Da Ren / 卓府大人, She Fu Da Ren / 佘府大人, Chi Fu Da Ren / 池府大人. Together they are known as San Wang Fu / 三王府 here. Other deities on this altar includes Da Bo Gong / 大伯公 and Xuan Tian Shang Ti / 玄天上帝.
On closer look in the main deities, you would notice that smaller deities are craved on its surrounding. These type of deities are rarely seen nowadays.
And lastly, the right section of the altar houses the Heavenly army commanders known as Wu Ye / 5 General / 五爺. Also displayed on this section are miniature sets of the Shi Ba Ban Bing Qi / Eighteen Arms of Wushu / 十八般兵器. These arms are known as the main weapons in chinese martial art.

Location Map / 神廟地圖
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My Time – my.72dragon.com – A web blog cataloging chinese temples in malaysia / 記錄馬來西亞廟宇文化.
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